Please don't move this thread, AKA Dive report Morrison 6/18/06

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In a State Park, on the coast of Florida
# of dives
Lets see, last one was erased, a few were moved, all without notification. I wonder if I am allowed to post this here....

NOTICE, this is an actual dive report, it happened in Florida, it is real, it does not need to be moved.

Warning, if you are reading this in any forum other than Florida Conch Divers, please tell me, chances are, the moderator who moved it, did not.

Ok, I had spoken with PerroneFord about his announced trip to Morrison springs schedueled for today. We set up a time to meet, and plans were made. I got there slightly before 9 am, the assigned time, and decided to kill some time taking pictures of the area before it became crowded.


The whole time, I was looking around for Perrone. Knowing he is a ruthless DIR guy, I was confident he would be there early, making sure his gear was as it should be, checking and rechecking. I didn't see him.

I put together all my gear, no Ford. I put on my wetsuit, still no Ford. I assembled my camera, and headed for the water, oh wait, who is that????? Kira! Hmmm, where's Ford? I got to talking to her, and over came...... (a surprising young guy I for some reason thought he was much older) hey, look Ford made it! Kira informed me that someone missed thier exit, but named no names. Perrone's friend Dell, wasn't so kind. "He was talking so much, we drove right past the turn."

At this point, I decided to wait for the late comers, and let them set up and join me for the dive. Somehow my tailgate slowly became a staging area. First with Kira, then the rest of the group. "It's closer to the water" Kira told me.

We made our way to the entry point, a whole fifty feet from the "staging area". Entered the water and did a last check before submerging. Perrone is thourough, in a good way, not scary DIR overlord kind of way. We agreed on procedure, and made our way to the cavern.

By this point, students had murked the vis. The normally crystal clear water was filled with floating particles.


We made our way to the entrance of the cavern, and proceeded down in order, Perrone taking the lead, with Kira, myself, then Dell following. Once in the cavern, the others took time exploring, while I worked on getting some shots.



One person reached the agreed upon turn pressure, and we set for the exit. We made our way out as we came in, pausing just outside the mouth of the cavern to regather. When Dell exited the cavern, we fooled around at the log to do our safety stop.


We all made our way back to the entry point after that, and exited to the staging area, aka my tailgate. We managed to gab away for just over an hour to complete our surface interval. I still had quite a bit of gas left, as did Dell. Kira swapped tanks, and Perrone with his doubles, well, we could have left him down there, done our SI, and rejoined him, and he would have more air than all of us combined. So, in short, he didn't have to switch tanks. We paired off, Perrone and Kira wanted to work skills. Dell and I wanted to go inspect the cavern again. We hit the water, did a check, and parted ways. In the cavern, I concentrated on photography again, as Dell did a thorough check of the cavern's nooks and crannies.


As our air drained down, we turned for the entrance, on our way to the smaller side cavern for our safety stop. We poked around in there a while, then exited for the entry point. We came up about the same time as Kira and Perrone. Again we made our way to the staging area.


There, we gathered, with Kira and Perrone planning to make another assault on the training platform. Perrone was getting a feel for his new DSS wing, and Kira was playing with trim. I on the otherhand was considering another dive. After another short SI, I decided to play with some lighter dive gear. I donned my snorkle and weight belt, leaving the scuba rig behind. Dell decided to sit that one out, opting for enjoying the surface scenery, while breaking down his gear. :wink:

I harrassed Perrone and Kira with my camera, then made my way to the Log to get some deeper dives in.



We finished the day with a trip to Sally's for lunch. We ended up in a table next to a group from MS. We had spoken with them briefly at the spring, and Perrone made quik work of befriending them at the resturaunt. We had a lively lunch, filled with conversations of deep dives, rebreathers, and outings to the "Big O".

It was a great day, expanding the circle of our "little north FL clique". I met, and dove some great people, and filled up on sourcream and chive potato wedges. How can it get better than this?
I had a great time. :D A great big THANKS to PerroneFord for helping me with some skills. :blinking: It was great meeting him and Dell. Not sure how photohikedive wiggled his way into our dive. :mooner: He at least did provide the tailgate and pictures. I hope to dive with these guys again. Very helpful.
kchFLA, it was great working with you too! I felt bad you were having equipment issues, but where most people would have given up in frustration, you kept at it! GREAT JOB!

Man, this is what local diving is all about. Good people, fun times, good food. I got in the dives I needed, had fun working with a new friend, etc.

I'd dive with any of you again any time! (Even with the split fins...) :)
...I'd dive with any of you again any time! (Even with the split fins...) :)
Have you been de-assimilated? Your Borg implants should be shriveling after that statement. :D

Great shot of the entry - if you had gotten in the water at 8 am I bet you could have seen all the way across the basin. Didn't you miss the June grass? :D

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