Planning For DEMA And Need Help With Credential's .

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Rum Dumb Hippydom California
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1000 - 2499
Would like to attend DEMA 2024 . Viva Las Vegas , this is the show and planning early to beg , borrow , so please let me in . Scubaboard through me a pass as a volunteer 15 years ago . Do you think those credential's are still any good ? Be safe and good. Rumdumb
I will go to the California Wreck Divers meeting this wednesday and may find help with my DEMA pass , old school hardcore diver types and I may fit in with this group of gals and guys . I went to the electric and hybrid marine show in Long Beach which was totally free and coffee too and how cool can that be . I was at the Adventures Club thursday night for a excellent talk and dinner show . Captain Lee spoke of his crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a brand new 50 foot catamaran . He is definitely someone I would like to meet being a diver , navy captain and aerospace engineer and sailboat specialist .

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