If we were talking the third or fourth dive? First dive is easy, more surface intervals second dive.... you need to track your dives, computer or old school. Set computer in gauge mode and it will work like a bottom timer depth gauge. Collects exact same data, you don’t get any handy dandy calculations. Of course if you are running tables in your head you never set off your spouses computer, you are going to massively over compensate. Round to the next highest everything. What you will do is have much longer SI and much shorter bottom times
If we're talking 3 or 4th dives we're talking shorter BT / longer SI times, with or without a PDC. Any diver with the amount of experience and dives you have knows their air consumption well enough to use it as a indicator of time at a given depth. I know because it was exactly what I did pre-PDC dives when I forget to set/check my watch.
Even depth can be approximated closely enough if one knows the site well enough.
Like OldSchool the use of tables for decades transforms a diver into their own PDC to a degree.