Hey, thanks for the disdain... in 38 years since certification, I take ONE dive specific holiday and I get grief like I am a drunken scuba bum. What if I said I was volunteering on an Agean wreck excavation or doing a reef study? That would not make the tables more precise or the computer less useful. And sure you could set a computer to its most liberal settings and dive the tables more safely, but why?
If you are not comfortable with the computer calculating everything for you and giving you a safe multi dive profile, why would set it at its most liberal settings? Don’t dive out of your comfort zone.
I said understanding the tables are valuable. If you are going to go near or beyond the NDL, you need to PLAN and have reliable back up bth in gas and a way to measure depth and time. For a lot of divers that means two computers or a watch and depth gauge. Those are a belt and suspenders situation.
Other than diving, I have absolutely NO PLANS. I would invite you along, but sadly
the trip is full....