jonnythan:Which link was it that showed pit bulls, as a breed, have been bred for aggressiveness? Obviously some dog fighters and others have bred various animals for aggressiveness, but they do the same to chickens and no one is going to argue that chickens should be, say, outlawed.
Indeed, most things I've read about pit bulls state that they are by nature *not* aggressive towards humans and make poor guard dogs.
Wikipedia quote:
"The American Temperament Test Society, Inc. (ATTS) breed statistics as of December 2004 show an 83.4% passing rate for the American Pit Bull Terrier and a 93.2% passing rate for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier, as compared to an 81% average pass rate for all dog breeds."
jonnythan, you should really familiarize yourself with the conversation before jumping in. The links are several pages back. I'm not going to repost them because you can't be bothered to look.
Pit bulls HAVE been bred for aggressiveness. No, not people who TRAIN dogs to be fighters. You are confusing training (which happens after the dog is born) with breeding (which is the process of selecting dogs over many generations for certain qualities). Pit bulls were bred for DOG-AGGRESSIVE qualities. The day it is born, a pit bull has an inherent tendency to be aggressive toward other dogs, which is what the original post was all about.
It doesn't have a thing to do with their attitude towards people or their abilities as guard dogs. Do you want to talk about your favorite movies or what you did last weekend, now too, or should we stick to the topic?
I never said they weren't friendly towards people. I said they were dog aggressive and I could not have been clearer. You need to re-read what I posted before reacting.
I never said to ban pit bulls. That's not the discussion. Some people (yourself?) refuse to believe that a dog can be bred for certain qualities and that a pit bull was bred for dog aggressiveness. Those people (you?) are wrong.
I do think that attitudes like yours are dangerous and misleading, not because you really care about the debate, but because you're bored. Denying pit bulls' DOG AGGRESSIVE nature is irresponsible. All pit bull owners should be aware and conscious of this INNATE aggressive tendency and should use extreme caution around other dogs. If you choose a breed that can and often does hurt other DOGS, then you need to own that responsibility.
I know where you got that quote about the ATTS, and if you had posted the link, I think we could all read on that it concedes that only pit bull owners with extremely docile dogs would submit their dogs for judging. It's not an accurate sample of the pit bull population.
Please stop trying to derail the discussion or put me in a position of defending something I never said just because you're bored. If you want to get in on the discussion, have the common courtesy to read the thread and stick to the topic. My stance is that pit bulls tend to be more dog-aggressive than other breeds, not because of training, but because of breeding. Other than a desire to disagree with something...anything...what is your stance on that subject?