Phase I: Guinness Record

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I caught it.

"Yea, forsooth..." is a quote from Shakespere that means, "tell me another witty one." :)

GI3's uhhhh... "An interesting character," isn't he? I have to admit that I find him amusing... And usually right... Just a tad brash...

Being educated... Whether it's DIR or Shakespere... Doesn't make one blind.

Can I get you another Kool-Aid? :)

I don't do caves. Not yet, anyway... If ever. I can't see the lure... I like wrecks.

But the skill set is applicable.

"Hey, GI3... Can I sidemount an underwater cutting tool?"

Hey, did you know that GI3's not a GUE representative? He's not even affiliated. Technically speaking, JJ's the DIR guy...
darkmoon3d once bubbled...

Since you'll be having your own bathroom (flooded I guess!); you should put a sink down there just to confuse the media. Try to splash water on face from sink - that should raise a few questions!
Why not go all out and build an entire bathroom? Then you can just go to the shower when you feel like taking one :) Or you can make it more of an event and install a new part of the bathroom every day.....

Did you ever hear back from the guy who set the record in San Marcos? I live in the area so if you need me to go knock on someones door just let me know :) And if you feel like setting any records in this area I would definitely be willing to help out.

Oops hit enter, not tab. Oh well, another post toward getting my avatar!

SeaJay once bubbled...
That's what I'm thinking! :D

Believe it or not, there's a method to the madness. I think it'd be a great vacation from my daily "go-go-go" lifestyle.

And then there's Phase 6 thru 10 that I don't have the guts to share until I've hit Phase 5...

Not to mention Phases 11 thru 15... Those are going to involve Gavin scooters. Many of them. And no, these phases do not involve caves.

But first, to be taken seriously at all, I need to focus on Phase 1. Then Phase 5.
Would that be crossing a body of water completely submerged the whole time? Possibly the English Channel? Or maybe an actual ocean?

Those would be amazing feats, but just staying wet for weeks is amazing enough. if for some reason you end up in Virginia, I would be happy to volunteer.

I know of some "near the beach" hotels in Florida, I think near either crescent Beach or Cedar Key, have saltwater swimming pools. They might be interested since they would already have a pool designed for saltwater. Plus, the temps in Florida pools would already be fairly high, and a simple solar heating setup could probably keep the temp in your acceptable range. I have an uncle that managed to raise the temp in his above ground pool about 10 degrees with just a large coil of black hose laid in the sun after the pump! Extended their swimming season right up to Xmas most years. THAT'S a simple solar heating setup!

SeaJay once bubbled...
That's what I'm thinking! :D

Believe it or not, there's a method to the madness. I think it'd be a great vacation from my daily "go-go-go" lifestyle.

And then there's Phase 6 thru 10 that I don't have the guts to share until I've hit Phase 5...

Not to mention Phases 11 thru 15... Those are going to involve Gavin scooters. Many of them. And no, these phases do not involve caves.

But first, to be taken seriously at all, I need to focus on Phase 1. Then Phase 5.
adder70 once bubbled...
Would that be crossing a body of water completely submerged the whole time? Possibly the English Channel? Or maybe an actual ocean?

Since I've already chatted with some people (and sorta let the cat outta the bag) I don't see why I shouldn't tell y'all...

Phase 15 - the distance dive - will be crossing from the East Coast of the continental U.S. to the Bahamas. The distance just over 80 miles.

...That is, unless someone does it before me... In which case I'll have to rethink. Phase 15's gonna take a couple of years for me to attract the right sponsorship. Heck, there's going to be several tens of thousands of dollars' investment in scooters alone.

if for some reason you end up in Virginia, I would be happy to volunteer.

That sounds great, but it's not looking like VA's gonna be a part of this at all.
Wow, that's an ambitious plan indeed. I'll cheer for you. :D

Now I have a couple of comments. I think you need to minimize clutter, so you'd better get rid of the wing and just dive with the plate. No need for it at those shallow depths. Also, sounds like your plan for number 1 and 2 are too complex. Consider that you are going to do #1 a few times a day and #2 at least once every two or three days if you do that 'normal bowel movement' thing. Do you really want to take off your tank and strip your wetsuit that many times a day? I would suggest fixing your wetsuit in some way so that you don't have to take the whole thing off. Maybe get one (or have one custom made) with a smooth seal at the waist that mates to each other. Then you will only need to pull down your bottom to do either. And I think soaping yourself in the pool is probably a bad idea. It will be impossible to suck down all that soap water, and you will be living in soapy water once you attempt that once. I think for the record attempt, just rubbing yourself regularly will take care of the hygene aspect enough. After all, all animals except humans, and even people living in non-industrial societies live their entire lives without using soap! :D
You are very ambitious. When are you going to fit all this in? There's building your company, continuing your institutionalized education, the family you want to have, the hobbies you already enjoy and perfecting your rowing technique, of which you are doing a great job might I add. Oh wait your SO. Uh move that priority to the front. Hahaha

After this record thing you have to add celebraty status to the list. :D

Hey wait Paulwlee you stole my word.
paulwlee once bubbled...
Wow, that's an ambitious plan indeed. I'll cheer for you. :D

Hey, I could use that. :D

Now I have a couple of comments. I think you need to minimize clutter, so you'd better get rid of the wing and just dive with the plate. No need for it at those shallow depths.

The difference between a set of double AL80's full to empty is twelve pounds. How am I supposed to compensate for that using only my lungs?

There's an option, of course, to be overweighted the whole time and simply stay on the bottom... But that presents all sorts of logistical problems over two weeks and isn't something I'm willing to do.

Also, sounds like your plan for number 1 and 2 are too complex. Consider that you are going to do #1 a few times a day and #2 at least once every two or three days if you do that 'normal bowel movement' thing. Do you really want to take off your tank and strip your wetsuit that many times a day?


It's gonna happen every couple of hours anyway for the tank changes... Well, at least the tank part of it.

I would suggest fixing your wetsuit in some way so that you don't have to take the whole thing off. Maybe get one (or have one custom made) with a smooth seal at the waist that mates to each other. Then you will only need to pull down your bottom to do either.

Yeah, that's been a consideration... Or something like it. It might be nice for conveience sake.

And I think soaping yourself in the pool is probably a bad idea. It will be impossible to suck down all that soap water, and you will be living in soapy water once you attempt that once.

Not exactly. That's why there's a closed system handling sewer... Which includes soapy water.
RavenC once bubbled...
You are very ambitious. When are you going to fit all this in?

I dunno, baby... But you'd better help me figure it out... You're pretty integrated in the plan; you don't want ME coming up with the plan, do you? :D

Phase 1 and Phase 2... The "big focuses" right now... Are both 24 hour dives. Those can be completed in a weekend each. Let's focus on that right now and take it from there.

For Phase 3 we're going to need either a long weekend or just get really good at getting in-n-out of the water.

Phase 4 is going to require a couple of days off.

Phase 5 - by the time we're there - I believe will have enough support that time off won't be an issue. :)
I believe it will be easier for you if are negative the whole time. Although being neutral is pretty easy, it becomes different if you're doing that for days. If you are neutral, say you doze off for a few minutes. You will use up air and become postive, and not being able to vent air from your wings, break the surface, invalidating your record. I would much prefer being slightly negative all the time and not worry about bouyancy at all. Otherwise it requires constant care, 24hours.

I don't see there being any logistical issues because of this. I would be interested why?

Also, simple is better. If you decide not to soap yourself, the requirements for the sewer will be much more lenient. You are localizing the area where water has to be sucked out from. When you soap yourself, you essentially need a 'waterlock' of sorts to make sure you get most of the soap out.

That's my take anyway. The bladder thing is I guess more of a preference, but I do see a real problem with the soaping.. But then again, maybe it's doable. I just don't see that it's worth risking complicating the entire attempt to do so. Kind of like devising a way to do a charcoal barbecue on board the space shuttle.. :D

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