Since I dive both Rec and Tech (deco), I keep it set to OC TECH mode for the same reason as scoobydrew. I keep everything consistent with my computers and gear.
If I was only a Nitrox recreational diver, I would use the recreational nitrox mode. Nice simple layout with large depth, run/dive time, gas type, and NDL font with color tissue loading bar. It even gives you choice of what real time dive information in the center and right bottom row you want displayed or none at all. It's a beautiful simple simple layout lay out for a recreation diver switching over from other non tech/trimix computers.
Edit: It also promotes the optional safety stop. Adaptive safety stop setting is cool. Stay above 100' with more than three minutes NDL, it sets to three minutes. Go below 100' or less than five minutes NDL, it sets to a five minutes.
But most importantly, with only three choices of conservative algorithm settings, it will keep divers out of trouble for lack of understanding what the settings (GF low/high) actually do.
If you diving more than three different gasses, chances are you are in the technical world and should understand algorithms and setting.
All other information is available during a dive with alternate information viewable on the bottom row with a push of the right button.