Petit Jean State Park (Ark)???

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Hey guys and gals,,,,,the wife and I are going to this park for 3 nights of R&R,,,,,any close by snorkeling areas???? Thanks
There is a swimming pool at the park or you can drive 65 miles to lake Ouachita. About 20 miles away from lake Dardnelle but vis will be about 2 inches.
There is a swimming pool at the park or you can drive 65 miles to lake Ouachita. About 20 miles away from lake Dardnelle but vis will be about 2 inches.

9mm thats not what I wanted to hear--LOL!! But thanks for the scoop on the area....we will bask by the pool after getting worn out hiking.
Be sure to check out the rock house. It is cool if you like old indian stuff. There are indian paintings on the walls. Do not know the status of the falls. We were there last week and the fall was barely running but we have had some rain since then. Take a camera great views from Petit Jean's gravesite. If you get the chance drive to see Mtn Nebo also. it is not about 25 miles away. There is a car musuem on Petit Jean also. Browns catfish in Russellville is great to eat and so is the Catfish Inn in dardnelle. Be safe and have a great time in Arkansas.

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