Ya know, I wish there was a strong, prominent organization that is for the ethical treatment of animals but isn't, you know, crazy. I'm sure there are, but not any that are household names. That's at least one thing PETA has got going for it - it's got strong brand.
I personally agree fully with PETA's name, in that I don't want cows to be tortured, or chickens to be slammed together in cages with their beaks cut off, and whatever other terrible things many people do to these poor animals.
But I still eat my meat - I enjoy it thoroughly, I feel healthier and more energetic when I do, it's a big part of who I am. I cannot see why I should feel guilty about being a meat eater because some other jackass tortured animals to make a buck. I'd be happy to pay (and have paid) for meat from "free range" cows, chickens, whatever else. Heck, we've all seen that little card that shows you what kind of fish are good to eat, and which are not, based on where they come from. I applaud that.
PETA, unfortunately, can't see the difference. It's a shame.