you know... what I saw Obama kill the fly, I wondered if PETA would try to get 2 minutes of fame by jumping on the bandwagon trying to get themselves on TV.
I got home and there they were on the news. The guy was demonstrating the bug catcher where you could catch the bug and let him go outdoors.
It looked like a 2 inch square funnel with a stick on the narrow end and a sliding door on the bottom. He demostrated how it worked, using a push pin as the demo bug. I wish they would have shown him him trying to catch a fly with that contaption. That would have been entertaining.
Then again that wasn't the point. What's a 2 minute ad on the local news go for. Multiply that by all the stations across the US and PETA had a pretty succesful ad campaign for free today. Stupid media twits, anyone with an agenda can use them.