People diving in BC

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I haven't noticed antisocial behavior from B.C. divers (except from me of course). I sometimes find it hard to make it to a dive site in time for slack because of the conversations with other divers at the shop. Maybe some people get other impressions because many divers here dive to explore the underwater world and get away from the topside world, not to make friends.
My friend in Van says I love diving so much because I don't have to listen to anyone talk. blah blah blah. I could see what you feel could be snobbery out there but I believe it is more a case of divers being weird. My advice ignore them on land and if there good divers get there numbers.
This is an interesting thread. I've certainly noticed the lack of activity on the Western Canada boards too, but I personally think it's a Vancouver thing. In defense of our divers, I've met some of the nicest people since I started diving. Prior to that I was into horses. Now there is a circle of ultimate snobs! When I was single in this city (before I met my DIVER boyfriend :) it was horrible. Talk about the most pretentious, egotistical, shallow, boring, self-centred (ok, I could go on and on with the adjectives, but I'll stop... you get the point) bunch of people I came across (and no, I'm not saying just the men are like that). I've done a little bit of traveling, and what a huge difference. I couldn't believe how much friendlier the Aussies are, for example. So I think that divers just fall into the trap of this city and don't always network, meet and mingle that well. It's our nature. I think ScubaBoard does help us a little.

Also, I think our activity levels are low because let's face it, we are not the ultimate dive destination some of us think we are. I don't want to argue the "one of the best places to dive in the World" theory. That is all a matter of personal opinion. Fact is that yes, divers do come here to dive, but our industry is small compared to all the big tropical dive destination hot spots around the world. Most divers here are local and it's either a part-time job gig and/or a much loved but hard to find time for hobby. Check out the boards in those other locations (the Hawaii crowd are fabulous btw... and I met/dove with a couple of them) and they get a constant stream of inquiries about where to stay, which dive op to use, which liveaboard is recommended, etc. They're like travel advisors. I know as I hang out on those boards often... then come back to ours and it's like a ghost town. Sometimes we get an inquiry such as where to dive in Nanaimo for example... and I think ohhh I can answer that... but someone else has already said Divers Choice... lol. Think of all those who learn how to dive here just so they can dive on their tropical vacations, or take the course and never continue (kinda like sky-diving ...gotta try everything once thinking). In fact... those of us who dive regularly are a relatively small, hard-core group... we should all know each other!?! You know... we've probably passed at Whytecliff before, nodded and made a comment about the viz. de jour... but haven't a clue we're both on SB. It's not internet dating people... we can admit we're here! :) LOL
I've met some great local folks, some even on Scubaboard, others through the shop.

Having said that, I'm cautious about who I dive with as I think that it's important to pick your buddies carefully and ensure that they approach diving with the same attitude as myself (same goes for riding sportbikes, skiing etc fwiw).

Just my $0.02
I've kind off stayed quiet here, just to see others reactions.

What I was trying to say is the lack of posting on ScubaBoard. I too spend WAY too much time in several local dive shops... In fact it's kind of sad to think that I spend more time in a Dive Store than actually underwater.

I am not looking to make friends or have a huge circle of diving aquantices. Just wonder why in the Western Canada why there is really only a handfull of people actually making regular posts.

Divers I meet at sites have always been friendly and/or helpfull in my recent transition to tech. diving.
You guys spend too much time smoking dope.
Duuuude, what are you saying? What was that? Oh never mind
I dunno, I used to post more, but the more involved in the dive industry I get, the less time I have to check out the board. It's not snobbery, it's just that when I am home I tend to be sleeping. :D

mmmm... sleeping....
...What I was trying to say is the lack of posting on ScubaBoard. I too spend WAY too much time in several local dive shops... In fact it's kind of sad to think that I spend more time in a Dive Store than actually underwater.

I am not looking to make friends or have a huge circle of diving aquantices. Just wonder why in the Western Canada why there is really only a handfull of people actually making regular posts....

About 1.5 years ago there were probably half a dozen divers who posted regularly. A couple of them initiated the drive that got us "Southern BC Spyhoppers". (Correct me if I'm wrong). I haven't seen them post in a while, over a year now.

Part of the problem with those folks is that they left Vancouver for warmer waters (or Europe, etc). Some have returned to the province, but not returned to the local dive life.
I think boards like this go through cycles. The thing is, is you want to see activity in a local form and post up, people will reply.



P.S.: Ness: You sleep snob!

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