PayPal Sucks, Sides With Scammer in Hollywood, Florida

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I'm guessing you didn't transfer the funds from PayPal directly to your bank account when the sale took place?
I transferred the funds out immediately but PayPal put a negative balance hold on my account. If I sell anything else they will apply that to the negative balance until it is paid off, or they will eventually send it to collection. I'm still waiting to hear if they are going to reopen the case since I filed the fraud report as they requested.
Sucks that there are people in the world like that always trying to manipulate the system....Ive used PayPal as both a buyer and seller. I have a few items I need to sell soon and now wonder what form of payment would be best for a non-local sale. Scammers unfortunately are everywhere. Most divers tend to be more honest than your average bear, but I guess not so much anymore......
Keep the sand. It is illegal to remove it from the beach in Broward.
This might actually have legs, FL works in strange ways, lol.
Sorry you got ripped off.
I was an early user of eBay/PayPal starting in the late 90’s on dialup modems when I lived in Honolulu and was preparing to emigrate to the US.
It was GREAT in those days. I sold a Hong Kong-sewn custom tuxedo to a lady in Texas for her boyfriend, a couple of photo enlargers that I could not even give away on Hawaii.
All sorts of stuff and all seamless transactions through PayPal.
A few years ago, I got burned on a couple of transactions involving people in California and was pretty much soured on both companies after that.
It's fifteen years for me, brilliant system for bringing millions of buyers and sellers together for pleasure

So I bring my wounded ego to bear, add them to the hit list which pushes the last guy off the list then I
calm myself down, knowing it has nothing to do with me, then I dust myself off and go shopping again

Coz there ain't nuthin easier than retail therapy

unless you're using a card

If I hadn't seen it wouldn't have bought it could take more money with me to heaven for entertainment

is my only misgiving
The great thing about paypal is you can call them and get this resolved.
Thanks for the funniest punchline I've read on the Internet since 1957.

Yeah I left PayPal 10 years ago. I sold about 30 N-scale model railroad turnouts to some guy in North Dakota for $350.

Few days later I got a dispute from PayPal. The guy claimed I sent him a box of rocks, and even sent PayPal a photo of the shipping box with rocks in it. PayPal sucked the $350 right back out of my account and refused to listen to any common sense. I got the postal inspector in ND involved. After his investigation he sent a letter to PayPal stating that the weight of the box was printed on the postage label at the post office when I gave it to the clerk, and there was no way possible the huge box of rocks in the photo weighed the few ounces the USPO printed on the postage label.

PayPal didn't care and then guy vanished off eBay and PayPal like a fart in a hurricane. I lost my turnouts and $350 plus the cost of postage. After that never again.

Now it's cash in person, cash deposit to my bank at a branch in your location, a USPO Money Order, or take your bidness elsewhere. I don't care.
What method do you use to take/send payments for online purchases that's sooooo much better?

USPO Money Order (not the convenient store or WalMart MO's). The day I receive it in the mail I can take it to any post office in the U.S, they type the serial # in their magic computer, and they tell me instantly if it's real or fake. Then I can ship your stuff immediately with no delay. They'll even cash it for me on the spot if I have ID and they have the cash in the drawer. Doesn't get any simpler than that.

soooooo much better than arguing with someone from India at PayPal on the phone for weeks or sending email to "support@somewhere dot com" where it vanishes or is rubber-stamp replied.

My bank has a branch in every state and most larger cities. I sold a banjo for $4000 several years ago to a guy 1000 miles away. I told him to go to the branch in his town and call me when he got there. He handed the phone to the clerk, I gave her my account #, she took his cash and deposited it into my account, gave him a receipt, she told me the money was deposited, and the deposit showed up on my online banking 10 minutes later. I shipped his banjer the next day, everybody was happy.

I do the same for my rental properties that are out of town to avoid the ubiquitous "lost in the mail" excuse. The tenant takes their cash to my bank each month, makes a deposit, gets a receipt from the cashier, and the rent is paid. I see they paid their rent on time with a few minutes after they make the deposit. You don't have to be "on the account" to put money into a bank account, only to take it out.
USPO Money Order (not the convenient store or WalMart MO's). The day I receive it in the mail I can take it to any post office in the U.S, they type the serial # in their magic computer, and they tell me instantly if it's real or fake. Then I can ship your stuff immediately with no delay. They'll even cash it for me on the spot if I have ID and they have the cash in the drawer. Doesn't get any simpler than that.

soooooo much better than arguing with someone from India at PayPal on the phone for weeks or sending email to "support@somewhere dot com" where it vanishes or is rubber-stamp replied.

My bank has a branch in every state and most larger cities. I sold a banjo for $4000 several years ago to a guy 1000 miles away. I told him to go to the branch in his town and call me when he got there. He handed the phone to the clerk, I gave her my account #, she took his cash and deposited it into my account, gave him a receipt, she told me the money was deposited, and the deposit showed up on my online banking 10 minutes later. I shipped his banjer the next day, everybody was happy.

I do the same for my rental properties that are out of town to avoid the ubiquitous "lost in the mail" excuse. The tenant takes their cash to my bank each month, makes a deposit, gets a receipt from the cashier, and the rent is paid. I see they paid their rent on time with a few minutes after they make the deposit. You don't have to be "on the account" to put money into a bank account, only to take it out.
That's all fine, but how do I get my money back if there is a dispute?
Paypal should never be used with someone you don't know. Facebook is kind of famous for their ads for scam sellers. It is almost impossible to click on a facebook ad and it not be a scam.
The giveaway is that the stores have strange names and they sell new products for suspiciously low prices. They say they take credit cards "for your protection" but they only take credit cards through Paypal.
You buy a product and they mail you an empty envelope with a tracking number. If you dispute with paypal the scammer shows proof of delivery and case closed. It does not matter if it was a purchase and you thought you have purchase protection.
Not everyone who uses paypal is a scammer but everyone who is a scammer uses paypal.

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