Passenger Bill of Rights for air travel

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The arguments have to be made in perspective. I suggest that comparing accidents to keeping people on an aircraft on the tarmac is also a false analogy. OTOH, implementing a bill of rights is a very heavy handed response to a relatively small problem. I define "small problem" in relation to all of the flights that depart "on time" and experience no or very short flight delays.

I think you're correct, but the bill of rights is such a political winner that politicians can't help but embrace it. It lets them pat each other on the back, get reelected, and defer dealing with the real issues that currently, or will soon in the future, truly endanger safe, convenient air travel.

These feel good measures that do nothing to deal with the real issues are merely populist hand waving, designed to impress people like, well, people like Pilot fish who get their information, and form their opinions, from sound bites.

I do think though, that the people who care and will work to make a difference (both in the government and the industry) will create and implement solutions that aren't just feel good, do nothing measures. Hopefully, I'm not too optimistic :)
Basically, no one really knows how many people are delayed this way every year. If this was a significant problem don't you think that the airlines would have a huge litigation problem on their hands? I just find it odd to hear such indignation from people who have never had this problem.

Why not contact the passengers that have actually been on a flight like this and formulate a class action suit?
Diver Dennis:
Basically, no one really knows how many people are delayed this way every year. If this was a significant problem don't you think that the airlines would have a huge litigation problem on their hands? I just find it odd to hear such indignation from people who have never had this problem.

Why not contact the passengers that have actually been on a flight like this and formulate a class action suit?

Or at least appear on the nightly news on a regular basis. It's certainly proven itself to be a pretty sensational issue, right up there with Anna Nicole.

It's news when it happens because it's rare.

As to the class action, I would guess that it doesn't occur because the passengers affected were not really abused, tortured, or otherwise oppressed, and were satisfactorily compensated for their inconveniences. (Or, if you're into the sensational side of things, they've been bought off -- or silenced -- by the evil travel cartel :rofl3:)
Or at least appear on the nightly news on a regular basis. It's certainly proven itself to be a pretty sensational issue, right up there with Anna Nicole.

It's news when it happens because it's rare.

As to the class action, I would guess that it doesn't occur because the passengers affected were not really abused, tortured, or otherwise oppressed, and were satisfactorily compensated for their inconveniences. (Or, if you're into the sensational side of things, they've been bought off -- or silenced -- by the evil travel cartel :rofl3:)
If you carry on being so sensible, Pilot Fish is going to start abusing you again! :wink:
ohgo, it is not a conspiracy between the airlines and the Gov. The airline does not produce those numbers for us to see. The Gov is not aware that ther is a need for us to have them. When we pass a P B of R it will be done. True, when a plane pulls away from the gate on time it is shown departed on time. No hysteria.

Who produces the 53 minutes of delay info? Is that the airline source? How many bridges have you bought lately? :)

I did not offer that as a hypothesis that happens all the time but as a question, based on your dubious info and who's source had no link. You have to realize, well, maybe not YOU, but a reasonable reader, that those facts are based on airline industry supplied data, which are the fruits of a poisonous tree.
As to the class action, I would guess that it doesn't occur because the passengers affected were not really abused, tortured, or otherwise oppressed, and were satisfactorily compensated for their inconveniences. (Or, if you're into the sensational side of things, they've been bought off -- or silenced -- by the evil travel cartel :rofl3:)

I do understand that it was not a good situation but don't you think if the actual participants, or hostages :wink:, were so outraged they would have taken legal action? Just me here but if the actual victims are satisfied, what is this thread about? :confused:
Told you............:wink:
silly one liners, aren't you embarassed :shakehead :wink:
silly one liners, aren't you embarassed :shakehead :wink:
I'm intentionally keeping them shorter, or longer, than one line. Maybe they'll slip under the radar. :14:

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