Passenger Bill of Rights for air travel

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Get in, sit down, shut up, hang on.

That's about it.

Love that answer. The public loves to blame somebody for their inconviences. I love the people who build a house in a flood zone and then want the govt' to pay to replace it when it floods. At some point every person has to accept responsibilty for the chances they take whether it's riding a plane or driving a car. Things happen, and as volunteers on the plane we have to accept that things may happpen. The airlines are barely holding on in this country as it is. Think of all the brave men who spent a good portion of their lives in prisons during WWI,II and Nam, just so we could be free to cry about having to sit on an airplane for a few hours.
pilot fish:
"Additionally, I feel that while 11 hours on a plane is excessive. I don't agree with you that it constitutes abuse.]][ohgo


That is one of the salient points in this discussion, which you continually fail to see. Since that forms the basis for a need for a Passenger Bill of Rights, to prevent this from ever occurring again, and YOU do not grasp, further responses from me to you are obviously fruitless :deadhorse:

One of the salient points. Just one. But, the only one you seem willing to, or able to, address.

That's quite a jump you made there.

Since [a very small number of] passengers were abused [to some extent], we need a Passenger Bill of Rights "to prevent this from ever occurring again".

But you have offered absolutely no justification for HOW this will prevent it from ever occurring again. Nor offered anything tangible to ensure that it won't negatively impact a large number of other travelers. You're trying to fix a scratch on my finger by cutting off my arm, when my real problem is a sore foot.

I'm not going to agree with you just because you tell me to. And that seems to pi** you off.

Until you can offer some sort of sensible description of how your bill of rights would actually benefit ALL travelers, further responses from you, like a Passenger Bill of Rights, will continue to be fruitless.
]]]I'm not going to agree with you just because you tell me to. And that seems to pi** you off.]]]ohgo

You are in a hole and have begun to dig, vigorously. :laughing:
pilot fish:
is not because you are a bad person or a rude guy, I don't think you are, so far.

pilot fish:
You are in a hole and have begun to dig, vigorously.

Careful. You might make people wonder what your real agenda on this thread is. :eyebrow:
No meaningful disussion can happen till you understand, and admit, that what occurred on the JetBlue flight consitutes PASSENGER ABUSE. If you continue with your mistaken view that leaving passengers trapped on a cramped plane, against their will, [you have to realize -they were NOT allowed to get off and get relief ] with no water, or toilet is abusive, then you are simply not comprehending the gravity of the issue at hand. If you feel that treatment was just EXCESSIVE, then that explains why you dont grasp the gravity here and, therfore, think any relief is necessary.
pilot fish:
No meaningful disussion can happen till you understand, and admit, that what occurred on the JetBlue flight consitutes PASSENGER ABUSE. If you continue with your mistaken view that leaving passengers trapped on a cramped plane, against their will, [you have to realize -they were NOT allowed to get off and get relief ] with no water, or toilet is abusive, then you are simply not comprehending the gravity of the issue at hand. If you feel that treatment was just EXCESSIVE, then that explains why you dont grasp the gravity here and, therfore, think any relief is necessary.

lol. Unless I agree with you, no further debate is necessary?

And yet... still fruitless.

Was too.
no toilet
Was too.
don't think any relief is necessary
Never said that, just said your suggestion of relief was ineffective and pointless. There's a difference.
lol. Unless I agree with you, no further debate is necessary?

Between us, ohgo, between YOU and I.

I'm not asking you to agree with me. It is manifestly apparent that will not happen, since you and I do not agree on what consitutes abuse.

Anyway, I'm late for a steambath and a massage. Perhaps when I return you will have seen the light and agree that what hapened was abusive. But, just like in diving, I'm not holding my breath.:eyebrow:
pilot fish:
jetblue 12.52-0.23/ -1.80% 11:

Are some of the Fund managers starting to see the direction?

Or, alternatively, if you wanted to be objective, you might conclude it had something to do with this:

11:20am EST
China dives; Dow follows
The Shanghai Composite loses 9%, sending the Dow plunging more than 100 points.

and assume that as the Dow goes, so goes NASDAQ (currently down over 2%)

But, hey, why bother with objectivity. Make them agree with you, darn it!

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