Palm Beach Dive Report

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May 10th

we saw an array of life down there including a few Lemon sharks and a reef shark.
The other group (crew dive, so we do 2 up 2 down) got some pretty close encounters with some hungry sharks looking for a free meal. As the last diver (the one with the icky murder bag...hehehehe, sorry) came up to the boat, he said there was about 4 sharks beneath him, just circling. A couple Lemons, and a 8 foot bull shark (no thank you). For the record (ahemm, Eric) I didn't see the Bull shark. This time , someone actually has pictures. As soon as they are sent to me, I'll post them

sharks? lemon sharks, reef shark, bull shark??? DANG, I wanna dive with YOU!!! You should have told me about this before I booked the diving for this trip. I guess we are gonna have to hook up next time!! grrrrrr
Ya know, I think Mark (dive buddy) might have forgotten, I'll shoot him out an email and post them here as soon as I get them.

If it helps at all, I'm going out again in the morning...hehehehehehe! sorry
Why is it when I read your reports, the seas are flat?

Today was my first time in open water since my surgery. I dove with the Down Under Dive Club (Melbourne, FL) and Pura Vida Divers. According to the weather report, the seas were 2-4. I saw more 4's than 2's. It was a little bumpy with the wind coming out of the east.

Our first dive was on North Double Ledges. I had 3 AOW students who needed to do their deep dives. The sand was at 92'. The visibility was roughly 30-40'... not the best... The water temp was 77 degrees. It's almost at that magical 80 degree mark. I can't wait to start diving with my 1mil.... The current was kicking pretty good, and kind of pushing us off to the west. So, it was a challenge to get back on the reef after we did our skills...

The second dive was on Elevator Shaft. My max depth was 60 ft. Again, the water temp was 77... and the vis was still around 30-40'. Again, I was taking students down on an AOW Fish ID adventure dive. It was pretty good, but... I still stink at fish ID. I spent most of the dive flipping through my Reef fish ID book trying to figure out which grunt was which, and which snapper was which. Did I make any progress, some... I wish I would have taken my camera, so I could identify them after I got home.

Overall... the weather was nice... Diving with Trevor and Dean from Pura Vida is always fun. It's always an adventure when diving with the Down Under Dive Club.

Why is it when I read your reports, the seas are flat?

Wow! Today the seas were nearly flat. What a gorgeous day

After striking out with dive charters (Pura Vida, A1A, and Diving Solutions)... they were all full... I called Abernethy and got 3 slots. It's been a while since I dove with Abernethy, and I forgot how much fun they are to dive with. Great crew! I'll dive with them again.

Since I had an O/W student with me, we were limited to a 60' profile. Not that it's a bad thing... Most of the beauty of WPB is at 55'... but.. we were limited... Our first dive was on Bath & Tennis... almost sounds like chain store that sells bathroom stuff... We had an excellent dive. Visibility wasn't the greatest... 40-50', but... yeah... we're spoiled... it was OK.. Now, our thermometers all registered something different. I guess mine doesn't want me to break out my 1mm, yet... it said 78... one said 79, and another one registered 80... I think I like the one that registered 80 best... :eyebrow: I think I'll dive with my 1mm next week...

The second dive was on Tear Drop. I always enjoy diving on Tear Drop. It seems like I always see something interesting.... The vis was about the same, and the water temp was about the same... but... the bugs knew they were out of season. They were sticking outside their holes sticking their tongues out at us. Argh!!! Wait 'til Sprotsmen's days... The fish were all over tear drop... I regretted not bringing my Fish ID slate... I would have had even more fun... When we surfaced, we came up in front of a pair of huge turtles. It was fascinating to just watch them... They were huge...

Diving with Abernethy was outstanding. They had a really great crew... let us actually dive longer than 30 minutes at a time... We had a very long surface interval... then another long dive... It was great! I'll dive with them again.

As I was packing my gear, I saw someone wearing a Scubaboard shirt... Yes, I had mine on... I met RAB? He was on his way out for the afternoon dive....

We got in too late to run over to where you dock your boat. You would have been on your afternoon trip by the time we were all packed up. Maybe next time.

wow.... what a weekend!!! Al/Scuba_Dad summed it up perfectly with the weather. The viz I saw on the Breakers and at the Trench seemed much better then 40-50, but heck.... that man's been in the water a whole lot longer than me. My computer read 79° on all four dives. I had an AMAZING group with me all weekend. WhiteKnight5X5 brought down another one of his groups, 18 in total for the AM dive (I think :D ). I got to dive with all the AOW guys and Shane and Chad (Instructors) got busy getting 12 freshies certified. Woooohooooo, what a fun group of guys (and one chickie....hehehehe, can't leave her out) everyone was amazingly excited a constant reminder to me why I love what I do.. (I can't wait to dive with these guys again.... way funny and loads of bald guys)

The pm dive, was just as much fun with the same exact weather conditions. Little "Miss Thing" aka KBeck saved our (crew) butts this weekend BIG TIME.. man, that girl rocks at being a deck hand. She worked harder and faster then I could ever have imagined, often anticipating what I or the Captain needed before we even knew we needed it. *note, don't ever let that well dressed nicely spoken woman fool you, she gets down and dirty with the best of us :D ... Thanks Krista... girl you rock!!

Sunday started out pretty rough for me when I found my truck with smashed windows and missing camera. We got off to a late start because of this, but no one seemed to mind when I finally made it to the dock... Good thing for me, this was the day dive dreams are made of. With my husband at my side working the deck and driving the boat on and off, things weren't nearly as bad as they could have been.

We didn't have any student diver on aboard so we headed North to what is now known (thanks to Whiteknight5x5/Shane for naming it for us) as Minor Major. This is my personal favorite site in all of Florida, also the first time we've ever taken a group out there (it's usually our little hide away for crew dives) I get pretty stingy with this site because of it's beauty, depth, and enormous sized fish. For the most part, I seriously discourage trips there only out of fear of someone tearing up such a glorious reef. The group that comes down from the Orlando area (C & N Divers) have always been an exception. Even their students rock. Must be something in the water they drink up there... hehehehhe, that shop and those Instructors' really must love what they do, I have yet to see one of their guys do something silly enough for me to complain. It's refreshing to see someone put so much of themselves into their students. (Kudos guys)

Back on track.... We drop down to the reef ledge about 90 feet, viz is at least 80-100 feet (horz) water temp at 76°, once again completely flat seas. Very mild North current and big fish every where. Group one made friends with a turtle (not fair I assure you :crying: ), my group ran into the biggest dang turtle I've ever seen in my life. His head was bigger then mine. I crept up onto him for a better look (not touching .... I swear!), that was one cranky fellow. He popped his head up and looked at me and call it ESP, but that turtle told me, "So help me God lady, if you touch me, I WILL bite you" needless to say, I backed away. What a beaut! , he certainly didn't get that big letting people play with him.

Beautifully wonderful days at the office this weekend, followed up by making some really great new friends. Thank you Shane and Chad for lending me a cot for some well needed sleep and the great advice about putting one foot on the floor. :eyebrow:
Almost forgot, I am now sporting around with about 40 sealice welps...

There are worse things I'm sure, I just can't think of any right this moment (itch itch)

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