Not at all. You keep bashing one agency all the time. Sometimes you do it passively and other times aggressively. It's truly a passive/aggressive thing for you. It's funny that you are denying that.
If you are referring to the expression of my informed opinion: unlike you I was a PADI Instructor for 13 years, owned a PADI Shop, had numerous discussions with its co-founder. as well as other interactions about their training program and have been an expert witness in Court regarding what is and is not a reasonable Standard of Care. So yes, I have an opinion. Have I expressed it? Yes, and will continue too. Is this opinion different from others? Yes, opinions tend to be like that. Is my opinion based upon bad blood? No; they are based on actual experience. Are they based upon recent interaction with PADI? No. PADI may be a completely different beast than they were several years ago. I do however remain unconvinced.
I would find it interesting in what you base many of your opinions on. Many times they don't seem to be based on anything and are often just critical.
Sure you have. You are just unwilling to admit you were wrong. In no way are all actions and activities monitored by any agency. ...You should write more clearly and admit when you're wrong or have misstated something.
In any conversation, there is an expectation in my mind that the reader will use common sense. It would appear that from your perspective, you are right. No Agency monitors everything an Instructor does. The degree of supervision is limited. The Agency doesn't make note of everything done by the Instructor; how many times he takes a bathroom break, or how many jokes he tells. They do however monitor the Instructor. These are usually passive means, but in case of a complaint they take a more active approach. They tend to attempt to fulfill their legal obligation. No Instructor or Agency is perfect; but they attempt to do their job in a reasonable way.
If you want "old school" for whatever reason, there are a number of instructors out there who simply refuse to evolve with the rest of us and like training to be arduous if not painful. If you want a fun and relevant class then there are many instructors who have not only evolved with the industry but are innovators in their own right. They put the fun back into the fundamentals of diving.
Again you are uninformed. You state:
"old school" = less fun and the "Instructors refuse to evolve like the rest of us."
This supposes that you are an "evolved Instructor" and I'm not (what a load of crap). Moreover, you make this statement without any knowledge of my Instructional abilities and the rate of student satisfaction relating to my program. It would seem that your evolved standard of Instruction would condemn GUE and like organizations to be less fun as well. There program is no doubt closer in-line with mine than yours ever will be.
You also state what is relevant to the Student. Actually, you have no idea of the conditions in-which I train in. Quite frankly, you are not in a position to make such a statement, but make it anyway (no surprise here)...