PADI tables finally going away?

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Yeah, we don't buy into the voodoo tables.

Navy tables served me and many divers well for decades. All my decom dives have been with them. I've never been bent. Why? Because I never pushed them to the limit. I've always done a little extra hang time because I'm not Navy UDT or SEAL. I have a normal amount of body fat and as such require a little more squezzin'.:D I remember the debates back in the the late 70's about the need for more conservative tables. We were warned in class back in 68 that these tables were for people in top condition and we would need to be careful. So I was, others weren't and got bent. People got bent on PADI / NAUI tables for the same reason. No my friend the voood is not in the tables, it is in the heads of those who think it can't or won't happen to them. If people ignore their PDC warnings not to dive guess what DCS. The real computer is between the ears and when it's my life at depth I'll take my wealth of knowledge and experience over any piece of tech magic. No brag just fact.
Bwahahaha... they are all SWAGs. Nuthin' more and nuthin' less! Anyone who sez different is tryin' to sell you sumthin'.

About the same as a PDC, then. :wink:
Bwahahaha... they are all SWAGs. Nuthin' more and nuthin' less! Anyone who sez different is tryin' to sell you sumthin'.

I hear these can accurately track deco:
About the same as a PDC, then. :wink:
No. EXACTLY the same as a PDC. :eyebrow: They are siblings born of the same algorithms.
I think this is one of those topics where we ought not throw the baby out with bathwater. This is a good old one...but a good one to bring up every now and then. We recently had a dive where my buddies computer crapped out at 250'. It was not critical as he was not using it for it's algorithm, but for it's purpose as a bottom timer. For the dives we choose to do, a computer will not suffice and failure of one could make things turn up very bad if it did. With that said, I think it is important that tables as well as computers are taught in this modern era of diving instruction. They are a necessary "evil", and more and more shops are selling them to the unwitting customer who straps it to their arm or HP hose and jumps in without any real education on how to properly use it. I've seen new divers think they are magical little boxes and place too much stock in their capabilities. Personally, I will never dive a computer. Computers are impractical for our purposes and will give us rediculious and sub-optimal deco schedules. However, when I decide to become an instructor, I'll be teaching my students about both which I believe could only add value to their class. :)

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