PADI Open Water Knowledge Reviews

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They were used by my brother, who filled em out and had to rip em out and turn em in when he got certified. Now my wife is getting certified, and I figure I have the book and all...why buy another? But I guess PADI doesn't see it that way :wink:
This ticks me off. I'd like to reduce the cost of the PADI course I teach at a college, but because of the stupid knowledge reviews, new books must be purchased every time. PADI does allows 5 people to use the same CD course, so that would be a way to keep from violating copyright laws.
The LDS should not require "originals" - what they need are the answers (and a signature if you made errors to state that you understand what the correct thing should be)
My LDS required the originals, I was halfway through the class before I realized I wasn't going to be able to keep the review questions for, well, for review.
The way it's been explained to me is PADI requires the originals for liability reasons. Having the original KRs shows that the student at least had to have access to the book, thus providing some proof that the material was read. The reason the CD-ROM version allows more users is because you have to log into the program to access the information, so the access to the material is still able to be proven.

I used to think it was a money thing too. It may be, but with the sue happy society we live in today, I can understand PADI's reasoning as well. It's just some form of legal protection for PADI and the instructor.
Cheap way HERE...?
Depending on LDS. Some LDS don't care about the book purchase, others force to buy the materials at MSRP....
Hey, I know that the $30.00 for the books ain't cool, it is like a commitment thing to the certifying agency. I mean check out the price of a computer book on say Microsoft Access. They get $50.00 bucks a piece and you can't get certified on it.

I do understand thrift. I also know that if the cost of the book is a real obstacle, then buying air and gear will be a mountain.

I also know the agencies aren't in business for philanthropy. They're going to get theirs, so you might as well relax and pay for the new book.

PADI is all about selling. New books for every student. It's a business ya know? The new IDC application requires that a $660 package be purchased. The proof you didn't used someone elses? A hologram decal that must be attached to your application....Just write down the answers and turn them in. Just one more question to ask of your LDS before forking over cash. Can you do this? If not they will continue to take you for every penny they can. Not a good way to build customer loyalty IMHO.
I am always fascinated by this discussion.

Let's spin this out a bit. Let's say that we can all figure out a way to take PADI (or any other certifying agency) courses without paying for them. Eventually, your certifying agency goes out of business because nobody paid for the service they offer. I mean, it's just knowledge right; that has no actual value once it has been transferred once.

So, your certifying agency is gone. And one day you spend a couple thousand dollars to travel to some exotic destination to dive and the shop there declines to fill your tanks or rent you gear because you are no longer certified by an existing agency.

That is not a farfetched scenario.

Personally, I think these kinds of discussions truly go to a very fundamental concern. If someone is willing to cut corners on something as basic, and cheap, as course material. Then there is a real question about their willingness to be safe when it comes to the far more expensive proposition of dive gear, and the safety inherent to making the right decisions on the purchase and maintennance of that gear.

In my opinion, dive instruction is incredibly inexpensive. Dive instructors clearly do it for the love of the sport. The course material costs practically nothing compared with other activities of comparable nature. Not to mention, there are so many certifying agencies for diving, unlike activities such as sky diving and flying. That competition seems to keep the price low.

If someone is unwilling to pay for a book, how can I trust that person to have the necessary equipment to be my dive buddy?

I don't mean to offend here, and I understand there are varying levels of financial ability involved. But by the same token, I have never heard anyone say "I'm an unsafe diver because I can't afford to be a safe diver...but I'll dive anyway."

A final point: Personally, I would like to see my certifying agency continue in business. Just like I want to see Adobe continue to come out with new versions of Photoshop. For that reason, I am willing to pay for the services both offer.

Again, I hope I haven't offended anyone here.

Best wishes and safe diving.

I don't think it's that big of a deal to have your wife get her own materials. PADI has come up with a way for several people to share the materials in the form of the CD ROM. So if you think any of your other family members or friends may eventually get certified, then get the CD ROM and several people (up to 5?) may share. This will save a lot of paper/trees. PADI has put alot into their system and deserves to reap the rewards. They want to make money like anyone else but they are not trying to rip you off. Your're not supposed to make copies of lots of stuff...movies, copyrighted materials, etc. Just buy the stuff, take the class and have FUN! (And no, I don't work for PADI! However, I do know a lot of people from PADI headquarters and they are hard-working and dedicated to providing a good system for safe and fun diving.)

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