Padi Master scuba diver

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If someone wanted to get a rounded education about computer systems, and took a bunch of courses at a community or technical college, then one day realized he had met all the requirements for an Associate's Degree, and that it would cost $50 processing fee to get it, I imagine he might pay & get the degree.

Even though the degree itself is not a 'course' and doesn't confer additional training/knowledge/skill. Even though he might have no 'need' for the degree.

That's not crazy.

Let's put it another way. Let's say an instructor for an agency offers a lot of standard courses - UW Navigation, Wreck Diving, Peak Performance Buoyancy, etc...,$25 cheaper per course, with the stipulation you don't get a C card or formal recognition for having completed the course.

How many people would take courses at $25 off if they didn't get an 'official' certification? Same knowledge and skills, right?


Not a bad analogy except for the fact that a PADI MSD card doesn't get you a job. Or a raise. Or anything. As for me, I'd take the cheaper courses. Since people won't sell me nitrox without a card, I need that. I don't need a card for navigation. Or buoyancy. Or even rescue.
Not a bad analogy except for the fact that a PADI MSD card doesn't get you a job. Or a raise. Or anything. As for me, I'd take the cheaper courses. Since people won't sell me nitrox without a card, I need that. I don't need a card for navigation. Or buoyancy. Or even rescue.

Nope, you don't. And if you are one of those who can learn all of those on your own easily without an instructor showing you how, more power to you. Go for it.

Some people prefer to learn with an instructor showing them how to do things. I am not clear on why you want to spit on them for that. But, if it makes you feel good to show what a fantastic independent learner you are compared to everyone else, go right ahead. I hope it was therapeutic.
I'm all about taking classes.
You'll appreciate it a whole lot more if you ever moved to a place where there was no instructor for a year.

When you have training suddenly available to you will certainly view it in a different light.
I'm thankful to have training options available to me.

Not long ago, there were no options.

That being said.....have some substance and value to the training. No matter the class, make it worth something....PLEASE!

Nope, you don't. And if you are one of those who can learn all of those on your own easily without an instructor showing you how, more power to you. Go for it.

Some people prefer to learn with an instructor showing them how to do things. I am not clear on why you want to spit on them for that. But, if it makes you feel good to show what a fantastic independent learner you are compared to everyone else, go right ahead. I hope it was therapeutic.

You're usually better at actually reading what is written... I said (clearly, I thought) that I would take the (cheaper, with no c-card given) classes. It's the cards I couldn't care less about. So there's really no need to get all snotty with me and attack something I never said. Especially given the moderator tag you're flying. Frankly, I'm really not sure what I've said to offend you so much, but if you point it out, I'll quite likely apologize for it. I hate to offend people unintentionally.
You're usually better at actually reading what is written... I said (clearly, I thought) that I would take the (cheaper, with no c-card given) classes. It's the cards I couldn't care less about. So there's really no need to get all snotty with me and attack something I never said. Especially given the moderator tag you're flying.

John is in a strange mood today, I guess. He seems to be flying a different "tag" today. I just got a ruler to the back of the hand in another thread. :D

How many of you "advanced" divers are in mensa? Sounds like diving must be really some of the hardest stuff to learn.
I was apparently in a foul mood last night, and I'm afraid the filter that normally covers my anger was not tightly in place. Sorry!
So I had an insta buddy for exploring a newly discovered reef today. I lucked out and buddied with the best tec instructor trainer in the area. He has just come back from a deep Trimix expedition to film coelacanth in their caves.

After the dive we get chatting. The single dive course that changed his diving was Photography! Yes, the decision to slow down, enjoy, see the micro stuff made him a better diver. Oh, and he also holds that coveted tec pass in Fundies.

I guess the point is that we all need something different to have that aha moment where we become better divers. For me it was a Padi peak performance buoyancy course. I wouldn't denounce one of the speciality courses towards a MSD. It might be the very course that individual needed, even though you think it a waste.

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