"Five Star Master Scuba Diver Tech Diver: Complete 20 PADI Specialties, TEC 40, Tec 45 and Tec 50 with 25 additional open water dives (150 minimum)"
Here lies my issue with this whole thread. Tech diving is very instructor dependent in a "best learned slowly and methodically" approach. Hence, why I will not necessarily trust the agency as much as I would the instructor with the information and course taught. Moreover, some say PADI is not high on the list when it comes to Tech instructor development. I would much rather have a person with not only years of experience, but also hail from tech-specific agencies like GUE, UTD, IANTD, et al. I'm not saying PADI TEC instructors are unqualified. In essence, it's that PADI is known as a large Rec agency first.