Just a couple of quick clarifications.
1. I agree that you shouldn't just "trust" the shop, I agree for different reasons. As we all learned in our nitrox course, every diver should verify the contents of their tank. As I have already said, in my opinion shops providing nitrox should also provide an analyzer for those who do not have their own...or as a back-up at least.
2. The fact that every tank was off by 1% or 2% is actually normal. Every analyzer is calibrated a little differently, which is one reason we have the 1% rule. So off by 1% or 2% is perfectly normal. It does not mean that the fill station made an error, it simply means that your analyzer may not be calibrated exactly the same.
3. The fill station fills the tanks, not the shop, one reason nitrox fills are expensive here. $10 is pretty standard across the board for most shops here, the shop is not pocketing your $10. Electricity rates are outrageous here, so fills are more expensive as a result. Although we are in Mexico, keep in mind that we are professionals, this is our livlihood, and safety is just as important if not more important to us. Our econony depends on tourism and diving. Please do not imply that we have lower standards because we are in a foreign country. That is actually an insulting remark, although I realize you may not have meant it that way.
I will admit, some shops have different levels of safety standards. In many cases, the shop is simply expecting the customer to be smarter than they are sometimes and to be accountable for their own actions.
Furthermore, the fill station here follows the same safety procedures and protocol as anywhere else. In fact, the safety protocol followed here by many shops and the fill station is at a higher level than many US shops I've seen. These guys do this for a living and are properly trained just as they would be in the states. Next time you are in Cozumel, stop by the fill station on 30th and check it out (it is the biggest and most accessible). I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you see over there. They won't let you in the actual fill area, particularly where the other gasses are, but you can stand outside and look in and get a birdseye view.
Hope this clears some things up for you.