I assume you guys were breathing EAN 21? I remember JC once saying that he had never heard of someone toxing on air (when talking about the Feldman death on U-869) and I have always had a vague belief that ppO2 is not the only determinant in toxing - absolute percentage of O2 played a part (hence why people can set staggering 'deep air' depth records without toxing).
Not saying for sure your friend toxed - as they say, a lot of the VENTID symptoms also reflect advanced narcosis symptoms. But just throwing it out there.
Yes it was air. And I'm not sure I buy the theory that you can't tox on air.
Oxtox (as I understand it) is a function of depth and time. The deeper you go, the faster you're racking up deco obligation and the faster you're burning through gas supply. You could spend a lot more time at 30' on a AL40 of 02 than you could on air at 240' and thus be more likely to tox shallow on higher percentages. That doesn't rule out (in my mind) the chance to tox deep on lower ones.