Our local reefs.

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You guys are there......who is a "prime mover"? I like the idea very much. Do we need to get a municipality LGU involved? I can attempt that when we go home. Remember, we're talking about Antique (Panay Island) which is south of Boracay.......I'll try it but I need to know you guys are willing.
Since it will be in your home turf may I suggest you or your resort be the prime mover of this endeavour. You can partner with Haribon, World Wild life Fund and local DENR office or better yet ask your LGU if they have a Coastal Management Resources program in your area. I think an LGU is required to set aside 15 to 20% of its municipal water territory as a marine sanctuary. You can start from there. Just my 2 cents.
Okay. I get the sense that money from any anyone would only come from an "outside" source....is that what you guys are thinking? I will check with the local DENR and LGU's. The locals did something like this several years ago at Mararison (Malalison Island - spelling depends on source) Island. Go to: http://www.seafdec.org.ph/rd/species-coastalrm.html
It seems that this is not that hard to do. I will check around when we get home. Anyone want to dive in ANtique during the holidays?
if you want efficient operation and speedy action, plan your projects with as little involvement with government entities. it always gets political taint, thanks to the way politicians work around here. And until they improve and show efficiency it has to be our of their hands.
As a "teacher" by profession, I practice:

"teach them while they are young...so that when they become adults they will know what to do and not deviate from it" .....

That's how the "Batang Sayantist Club of the Philippines" was born......

I've had it with the adults and they're generally impossible to teach...

Let's get some corporate money from the Philippines! That is the way to get the "real dollars". It is amazing how much money flows through the Philippines and does not get put back into the local environment. Before anyone mentions corruption, graft, and all of thos bad things, let's address the issue from a diver's view. One of the BIG MONEY families has to have a diver in it. That is where we start. So, who do we target for asking for some help with this effort? Who do we know?
As a "teacher" by profession, I practice:

"teach them while they are young...so that when they become adults they will know what to do and not deviate from it" .....

That's how the "Batang Sayantist Club of the Philippines" was born......

I've had it with the adults and they're generally impossible to teach...
you cannot teach an old dog new tricks....
Thanks for informing me about this forum.

Presently, some steps being taken to preserve the reefs in Mabini (I want to use this so as not to confuse the readers because Anilao is a barangay in Mabini) Tingloy such as first through the implementation of the Users Fee in the form of dive passes. One hundred pesos is collected per diver per day and this goes to a fund basically to protect the Mabini area from illegal and destructive forms of fishing, putting up and maintaning mooring bouys as well as information campaigns.

With the Resort Owners Association of Mabini (ROAM) we are trying to comply with environmental policies like the use of biodegradable products for laundry and bath.

Presently, there are three NGO's closely working with the LGU, private sector and the community. They are SCOTIA, CCEF and WWF. Both municipalities also have their repsective coastal resource management boards which meets monthly to discuss related agenda on marine conservation.

Mabini can gain about P1 million per year on the users fee while Tingloy which just started collecting has P80,000 + for the month of September.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my inputs regarding reef protection in Mabini and Tingloy.

Joel F. Uichico
Here you go this is the Man that has been spending a lot of HIS TIME AND EFFORT for US TO ENJOY ANILAO.

so allow me to first say THANK YOU FOR YOUR ENERGIES !!!

To give you a feedback on solanabezo, he is the representative, the VOICE of the diving community at the MABINI, ANILAO LGU group that has control of ANILAO DIVE SITES AND THE MOORING BUOYS set up.

now for our small part let us see if PPD can support Joels' efforts.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my inputs regarding reef protection in Mabini and Tingloy.

Joel F. Uichico

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