I guess you guys are right about the floating head. I hadn't dove my doubles in a while since my buddy was diving just singles and when I dove doubles on Sunday at Lobos it was oh my, I need to remember this massive mass on my back is heavy and tilts everywhere.
The tide was out on the boat ramp and I thought I could slip into water by the edge and just place fins on, I was wrong. The current rushed in and pushed me right into the deep end. Not a problem so I thought.
I inflated my wing just a tad more and I tried to do the figure four on my back but oh my goodness I kept rolling backward like a turtle that wanted to move in a circle. My legs were kicking trying to get thrust.
I had to calm down, called over my buddy and asked him to push me back to the ramp like a ship without no engines, I was drifting. He did and I stood and each fin went in flawless, boy is the boat ramp bad with current.
Anyway, the reason I mention that is when I got back in, I don't like the wing fully inflated while on my back, my head while placed on top of the water starts to dip into further if I don't kick, so I cannot pause with the kick out.
So I deflate the wing just a tad and I can take breaks and not tip over like a turtle, but if there are swells, I must inflate and go vertical and put air into drysuit.
So I thought man, it would be nice to have some of this thick neoprene keep me just a tad more bouyant than my other hood. I will take any bouyancy in the head, I thick this will greatly help me out in doubles, while keeping me more warmer than my 7mm DUI hood.