Order of bolt snaps on right shoulder ring

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Knight Scublar
ScubaBoard Supporter
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Upstate NY
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200 - 499
This past weekend was my first time diving with a canister light, and I've noticed my right shoulder D-ring is getting a little crowded. Light head, backup light, and regulator all get clipped off there. I was just wondering what order most people put these on. I think I figured out what works well for me - backup light on the inside, then light head, then regulator. Hardly seems like a big deal, but I was wondering nonetheless.

This past weekend was my first time diving with a canister light, and I've noticed my right shoulder D-ring is getting a little crowded. Light head, backup light, and regulator all get clipped off there. I was just wondering what order most people put these on. I think I figured out what works well for me - backup light on the inside, then light head, then regulator. Hardly seems like a big deal, but I was wondering nonetheless.


I only have one back up light, so its on the left.

When I was diving with a camera, it got pretty crowded on the right - reg, HID, Cam...

I always clip from the inside out - so the reg is always the last thing on, first thing off. I stow the HID before I stow the reg - so its on the outside.

Are you carrying two backup lights? If not then put your B/U on your left D ring. I do mine with the snap facing in. Alternatively you can put your B/U on your right D ring but again with the snap facing in. Most of the time you will have your light and your primary clipped off only on your surface swims or too and from the water. The order isn't that important as you should be able to look down and see which is what. You can also do this by feel. What works for me is to have primary and can light clips always facing out. It's real easy even with heavy gloves on to figure out between something you use all time versus something you only use rarely.
Are you carrying two backup lights? If not then put your B/U on your left D ring. I do mine with the snap facing in. Alternatively you can put your B/U on your right D ring but again with the snap facing in. Most of the time you will have your light and your primary clipped off only on your surface swims or too and from the water. The order isn't that important as you should be able to look down and see which is what. You can also do this by feel. What works for me is to have primary and can light clips always facing out. It's real easy even with heavy gloves on to figure out between something you use all time versus something you only use rarely.

Funny you mention that.. I find it much easier to snap things with the snap facing in.

As for the backup light, I have something else on my left shoulder D-ring, and I'm pretty comfortable with my one backup on the right. If I get into serious diving I'll have one on each side anyway so I might as well get used to it.

Thanks for the info though.
Funny you mention that.. I find it much easier to snap things with the snap facing in.

As for the backup light, I have something else on my left shoulder D-ring, and I'm pretty comfortable with my one backup on the right. If I get into serious diving I'll have one on each side anyway so I might as well get used to it.

Thanks for the info though.

When I took my DIR/F we talked about it.... was there a "proper" way, which was best, etc. We were told there is no way more correct than another - some are up, some are down.

Its always easier for me to snap up into the ring, as opposed to snapping down onto the ring. So my stuff is always facing out. I like the suggestion about putting the lights opposite... if I had two, I would go wif that. Good stuff there. I love this place.

All snaps should face in so you don't catch them on lines.
Holy Guacamole!!
No wonder folks think DIR is so rigid :rolleyes:

I've tried both ways and usually find it easier (for me) to snap in. I'm wierd in other ways as well, I'm sure :eyebrow:

The order of the snaps matters?!?!?! :11:
I sure hope not - I pay absolutely no attention to this detail - When I need something that's clipped off, I just feel for the object, then go to it's snap and unsnap it. Somehow haven't managed to unclip the wrong item yet! It's actually pretty easy to tell the difference between a 2nd stage reg, b/u light and HID lighthead :D
I don't worry about the order of the snaps. Any time I need something, I feel around to make sure I have the right thing. Kinda like checking your MOD on a gas switch, I suppose, only the consequences aren't quite the same. :)

Things that remain attached for the majority of the dive (backup lights) get snapped down (opening facing me) to at least minimize the supposed entanglement hazard (though I think a boltsnap is the least of our worries). Things that are frequently used (light head, primary reg, camera, lobster gauge) are snapped facing out. This also helps me determine what is what.

I think this is one of those cases that AG referred to as being "too DIR," meaning, worrying about certain irrelevant minutae.
Jim - was Dan your Fundies instructor? If he was, he was the one who pointed out how it's easier to snap 'up' with the snap facing out...
In more than one Fundies course it was noted, when this issue came up, that for many people its easier to come up from underneath the D-ring to catch it because of the way your wrist bends. Works for me, and the snaps therefore face out. If you have problems with your snaps catching line, you have worse problems than the way you clip things to your D-rings...

Whatever works, works. YMMV.

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