Phil K.:
You were on a roll until you failed to harmonize your bogus assertion to Scuba Milo's demonstration of a profile where RD is 500% less conservative than D Plan (GF=30/85). What's 5 minutes more or less? Did you just clock out on that one? Until Milo shot it down, you had me convinced that RD is a close approximation of the other scientifically derived algorithms. As can be readily observed by working out a few profiles on D Plan, sometimes RD produces a close approximation and sometimes it doesn't. It's frequently validated as an approximation of other algorithms, which means that it's an approximation of an approximation.
Every once in awhile I get called away to work

So yes I get behind. And no I'm not that vested in this whole thing.
Phil K.:
Furthermore, you haven't addressed the limitations on dive planning caused by RD's reliance on standard gas mixtures or does your adherence to RD go so far as to supplant any thought of a mission where optimal BT/DT requires customized mixes? Using RD can you give me a schedule for 8 repetitive gas dives over 3 days with a max depth of 250fsw on Trimix 16/55 EAN36 and 100 O2. SIT(1) three hours and thereafter increasing 2 hours between subsequent dives assuming a dive SAC =.80/deco SAC = .30?
As far as nonstandard gases go: 1st why are you using them?
Then maybe there's some merit in discussing the myriad of ways you could come up with a deco schedule that won't kill you. Although I see lots of ways you aren't diving DIR on the bottom to start with.
why are you pushing ppO2s at 250ft with a 16% mix?
what's your rock bottom to get up to that 36% bottle?
your dive SAC is pretty high IMO, can you even carry enough gas?
you decoing deep at >1.4 ppO2? why?
I see alot of non-dir issues in the gases selected and thus I don't think a schedule for these choices is appropriate for this forum. Whether the WKPP or EKPP uses non-standard gases I don't know and don't really care. I'm not doing those dives and I don't know the rationale for their mix selections.
I 100% agree that RD is just one set of tea leaves, Buhlmann, VPM, RGBM, GAP, etc. being other flavors of tea.