Since it seems I have a whole host of people conserned for my safety (and sanity?) let me assure you that the day I dive a RD-profile is a long way off...unless of course it is similar to v-planner one...doesen´t look like that´s likely to happen any time soon
I´ve given this some thought (beware) and I guess my "just jump in" and "modify a plan" approaches really are the same thing and the division was just semantic(?)
You can just "jump in" with RD because all the constraints are given...
-What I do on recdives when I consider my options is to evaluate my status in relation to the constraints of the dive (desired profile/max time etc).
-The same thing is what people diving RD do, they evaluate their status and options against the constraints that RD sets for the dive (RB, max avg. depth, max time, max deco).
Just as on a recdive with new buddies you´d need to say "No deeper than 25meters and I like to take it slow from 12m and up and spend a minute or two on 9 & 6 meters as well" if thats what you want to do. With your regular buddy you´ll have a "standard depth" and a common ascent procedure that you use on every dive, you know eachothers SAC so you anticipate what profile changes do to your buddies status as well as your own and you almost always "turn the dive" simultaneously...
While it may seem to an outsider as if you and your regular buddy "just dive" and that you and your new buddy are planning a dive with limits on the changes you´ll allow, you´re really doing the same thing in both instances, the only difference being that the "constraints" are explicit in one case and implicit in the other...
The point of DIR & RD is to make as many things as possible implicit so that it "frees RAM" to focus on the important things (the stuff that sets a particular dive apart from the "general dive") and to make it possible to do not only with your regular buddy/team but with any DIR-team after a quick check that you´re "the same DIR". It means a redistribution of planning time and thought from "annuity" to "investment" to use NPV-terms...
Makes sense? Or am I just making more people cringe?
Edit: Apologies to those having to read the same stuff twice but there are different participants and the responses obviously do differ somewhat (noone´s called me "really dumb" here yet

) so I believe it worthwhile...