On no island like Bonaire

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I can't speak for anybody else but myself. But fair and honest is what I'm all about.

Not exactly true but perhaps the future holds something that History is not aware of. I am personally not willing to call a single post a trend.
Is this an image from Bonaire?
Is this a discussion of Bonaire?
Is this a troll post in order to get a rise from some one?
Can you show where some have "drag the discussion into the toilet"?
Can you show us two posts by you in this thread that were fair and honest? I have seen exactly one

I'll answer in the order you asked :

Definitely Not
I'll think about it,
Could be,

How's that?

I'll email you a power point presentation by the end of the day.
Oh Vincy... :shakehead:

Yes, people be careful what you read.

All these threads that start with a first hand account of a vacationer on Bonaire, of being drugged, safes being pried open, items being stolen at dive sites, rooms being ransacked, fake security guards casing dive sites.... they are all pontifications made under the guise of people pawning themselves off as having information about what happened to them.
please supply at least two threads about being "drugged" with proof. As far as I know there is one thread with a thought or possibility of thinking they were drugged, but no proof.

Please supply at least two threads about "safes being pried open..." I have seen one.

Please supply at least two threads about "fake security guards casing dive sites" with proof. I have seen one where they thought it might be.

How about you white washers try a different tack.
Please supply an example of "white washing" so everyone will know YOUR definition and how to qualify your definition of "white washing".

There have been many questions about your "facts". As yet... NONE of the questions asked of you has been answered. You seem to be "avoiding" questions about your "facts"

When somebody posts a thread about getting $10,000 worth of their property stolen, how about you respond with appropriate replies like

Sorry to hear that...

Wow, bummer, but it does happen here, unfortunately...

Geeze, again? This is really getting out of hand!
Please supply a 1st post where this has occurred... I have yet to see where this has not occurred.

Then the rest of the time why don't you fill up the Bonaire section with positive threads about topics involving Bonaire? There's a whole lot of space waiting to be filled up with other threads.
Each time someone attempts to be positive they are accused of "bias" due to having experience there, living there, or being a business owner there. You continue to discount those with actual experience on the island as being "bias"

Seems like a better way to promote Bonaire then to try to white wash every single crime victims experience.
Again, please supply an example of a "white wash post" so we can all know YOUR idea of what one is
See locking your doors does work on Bonaire.

It's clear here he locked the drivers door, but forgot to lock the other three doors.

I don't see what all this fuss is about. To Me It's clearly the divers fault for not locking the other three doors. :idk:
Unless this car was airlifted from Bonaire to Tempe, Arizona this picture is blatant exaggeration by one who accuses others of giving inaccurate information and exaggerations.
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I can't speak for anybody else but myself. But fair and honest is what I'm all about.
What was fair and honest about the post above where you attempt to tell people this was your rental car... and the last line was "I kid, I kid"?
Look at Cool Tech directly above this reply.

He's still going on trying to get Pilot Fish to give him some master's thesis or answer a 50 page questionaire so he can create a request for proposal in tripplicate to submit to his direct supervisor. :shakehead:

And.... he still isn't 100% positive that the picture of all the ponies is real or not.
It is clear that trolls like to spread as much mis-information as they can get away with. They accuse others of "white washing" but cannot answer the simple questions about their ridiculous claims. When asked for clarification they "avoid and change subject" or attack those who question them with claims of "white washing... insults... avoidance... more mis-information... attempts to offer pictures and stories from somewhere other than Bonaire and try to tie them into Bonaire... etc.)

It is a shame they can't see their own hypocrisy
Unless this car was airlifted from Bonaire to Tempe, Arizona this picture is blatant exaggeration by one who accuses others of giving inaccurate information and exaggerations.

It was a joke Cooltech.... Sarcasm.....

I'm sure there is just as much crime in Tempe as there is in Bonaire. (if not more).

Crime on Bonaire is a simple thing. It can be easily solved. (most of it). The local government / police just choose not to do it. (to enforce the law).

Aruba is an island of similar size and under the same law system. yet they don't seem to have the crime problem Bonaire does. For comparison.

I wouldn't let Petty Theft on vehicles at Dive Sites keep me from going to Bonaire. I don't like some of the theft issues they've had in the rooms/hotels though. Don't really want my DSLR or laptop stolen.
I'm sure there is just as much crime in Tempe as there is in Bonaire. (if not more).
Is this simply an opinion, or do you know of any stats to back this up?
Crime on Bonaire is a simple thing. It can be easily solved. (most of it). The local government / police just choose not to do it. (to enforce the law).
What is the easy solution? Why do they choose not to do it?
Aruba is an island of similar size and under the same law system. yet they don't seem to have the crime problem Bonaire does. For comparison.
Is this simply an opinion, or do you know of any stats to back this up?
I wouldn't let Petty Theft on vehicles at Dive Sites keep me from going to Bonaire. I don't like some of the theft issues they've had in the rooms/hotels though. Don't really want my DSLR or laptop stolen.
Agree 100%. My big question (that still remains unanswered) is what is the frequency of occurrence for this type of crime? 1 out of every 10 visitors? 1/100? 1/1000? 1/10000?

When people constantly talk about how bad things are, I'd like a bit more quantification of the numbers than "many", "some", etc.
I could care less what the crime rate is in Tempe. (If I lived there, I'm sure that'd be a different concern. that reply was in regards to someone and their car location, which I could care less about also.)

I really doubt that Bonaire, being a tourist destination that depends on tourist dollars is going to publicly publish "crime statistics". We both know that.

I too would like to know what frequency it happens. But I doubt either of us will ever know.

as for Aruba, how many "crime in aruba" threads are there on here about theft in Aruba (or other islands)? (besides Natalie Holoway, which was so high profile it'd been on message boards regardless of where it happened. ) ?

As for the easy solution, it's to start policing the areas that the crime is happening and arresting the people involved. Bonaire is only 13,000 people roughly. It's the size of a small town, where everyone knows about everyone. It's not hard to figure out who the people are doing stuff in small towns. Especially when you can't drive easily to the next island.

The problem won't go away overnight. Just like getting rid of one drug dealer won't make the drug dealing problem go away. Someone else will take over his business area/etc quick enough.

back to this island comparison, let me ask you about Grand Cayman. Population roughly 50,000 or so, but not too much bigger than Bonaire. Grand Cayman is a very popular tourist destination. But I never hear the crime stories about it that I do Bonaire. why is that?

what are they doing there to "make a difference" and keep crime on tourists low?

Perhaps Bonaire could learn something from another island.

Note: I'd like to point out that I answered the specific questions asked of me, unlike some certain folks in this thread. :popcorn:
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