A few points to consider:
The collective silliness of the Bonaire Boosters' suggestions on how to solve the crime problem on Bonaire is pathetic. I reread my PADI training manual and nowhere in it did it say anything about paying kids "tips" to protect dive gear?
A ScubaBoard Staff Message...
These backhanded "compliments" (Bonaire Boosters/Bashers) are
thinly veiled insults and as such have no place in this conversation. If people can't converse with respect as adults I'm going to request they be removed from this conversation.
If you want to discuss silliness, how silly is it to say you looked in a PADI manual for destination specific information? I mean, c'mon really?
I even read the travel brochure on Bonaire and no mention of that laughable suggestion there either .
Why would you expect to find mention of a suggestion that
was just brought up on a discussion board? Did you find any mention of things you suggested there? I'm guessing not...
Of course suggesting the "police" on Bonaire, or the Dutch Gov, do thier job is never mentioned. I mean, why do that?
A bad and dangerous problem involving criminals breaking into rented condos and hotel rooms, with the criminals ripping safes from the wall with crow bars, theft of tires from rental cars, car batteries missing, stealing dive gear left out to dry on hotel and condo balconys is met with humor, cheap jokes and all the seriousness of jay walking or a parking ticket offenses. You Bonaire Boosters must see how you are very much a part of the problem?
GREAT idea! Let's suggest that police and Govt EVERYWHERE start doing their job! Just think, we can wipe crime out worldwide!
DV, truth be told, the ONLY thing that is BOOMING on Bonaire is crime i.e., break-ins of rental condos and hotel rooms.
Got any stats to show that crime in Bonaire is any worse recently than anywhere else in the world? Is this the only place that is having a BOOMING increase in crime? Let's see some real statistics and hard facts, rather than a few anecdotal stories and opinions. Or maybe it's like airline crashes. You never hear about the tens of thousand people that arrive safely at a destination everyday, but one incident will make the news for weeks.
Now, a new twist, as reported on this board, theives are ripping safes from the wall and stealing tourist money and passports from thier rooms, even, sometimes, while tourists are asleep in the other room. Doesn't that concern you?
Maybe you should get a few signs and stand at your local airport to warn everyone that might be flying to Bonaire about the dangers? I'm sure not every Bonaire tourist reads this board to take advantage of your insight and wisdom on the crime problem. Personally, there are places I frequent in the US that I'm much more concerned about crime than I would be if I was traveling to Bonaire.
You suggest hire out of work kids for protection?
You actually think that is safer than having the Boniare "police" do thier job? :shocked2:Ohhhhhhhhhhh, they don't ever do thier job in stopping crime on Bonaire? Oh, yeah, I see your point. Great solution
Bonaire Boosters need to get together and rethink this.
Hmmmm... Yanno, this idea sounds remarkably similar to neighborhood watch programs. If I'm not mistaken, I believe the idea behind such programs is that the police can't be everywhere at once and having citizens watch and alert police when something is out of the ordinary has proven to be a good deterrent to crime. I can't think of a single place that uses such a program to replace police, it's designed to supplement. Maybe all those neighborhood watch programs could use some re-thinking as well?
In short, there is a reasonable expectation that a person that goes to Bonaire to dive, vaction, relax, should be able to do just that and not have to CONSTANTLY be on guard against crime. If that vacation spot, that dive locale, is not offering you protection from being a crime victim, why go there? Why spend your dive dollars, time and fuss to become a crime victim on vacation? If an island does not protect tourists, as Bonaire does not, why the hell go there, when there are plenty of dive places around the World that have more respect for the tourist?
In short, if someone has been made painfully aware, over and over again about the problems in Bonaire and choose to go there isn't that their right? Why spend your time fussing about
their choice to go there ad nasueum? How about a little more respect for individuals right to make their own informed choices without you constantly berating them for it?
My apologies to you. Was not aware that it was you that brought the idea up. As ideas go, it's fine, really. Vince owns a condo there, so is biased against people knowing the truth. He knows how unworkable that is. He is also very aware, as are some of the other BB, Bonaire Boosters, that the "police" are not over-worked or short handed, they are feckless and tolerate the crime. They do nada, nothing. That is the part that angers me, not any person in this thread, AND CERTAINLY NOT YOU. You are a fine chap.
There does not have to be any brain barnstorming [ Vince et al know that ] because the solution is clear, get police, real police, and have them do their damn job.
Maybe we can start here and use this police force as precedence for the rest of the world:
Crime Statistics - Crime Alerts - Crime Stops Here