DQX had 7/8" valves for awhile. I dont remember when they sold out of those.
I dont know where you get your OMS valve parts nowadays, I used to get them at NESS as they were the only source at the time. And they were expensive (way more than $9 extra) and very annoying - mostly because I really hate crush washers, uniquely threaded HP seats, and their oversized non-modular burst disks with the teeny separate nylon washer. I still have 4 of these valves, thankfully not bothering to keep them O2 clean and I only rarely overhaul them.
The parts are the same price as any other vavle outside of the end cap. I don't remember if they use the coarse or fine thread HP seat, but it wasn't unique to OMS. It is a fairly standard seat, there are two different ones. Dive Rite used both during various years, They are in my parts drawer labeled as Dive Rite old style.
Their crush washer is different than Thermo, but cost is about the same.
All burst discs are a copper washer with a nylon seal. That isn't unique to them, that is every burst disc in every tank.
You can buy the premade assemblies for most, but at 11 times the cost, why would you?
They are a long ways from my favorite valves, but they were well made and worked. For the time and market they were created for, they were some of the best available.
My personal stuff is standardized for the most part, I like having all of my stuff the same. But I still work on a lot of random crap. Genesis valves are the ones I don't like. They use a very proprietary HP seat, and backing washers, and I have only found the burst discs as an expensive assembly. I don't personally own any of them.