In regards to DivinHoosier's comments, I have been diving for over 3 years and I was certififed at Portage Quarry. I have dove at WhiteStar and Gilboa. As far as my profile, I prefer to keep that private, however, I will say that I am a female and live in Michigan. I feel you should investigate as to why Pvt. Stash always talks about WhiteStar. With diving both quarries, I prefer Portage Quarry for many reasons. One, there are numerous underwater attractions to see and your dives can be varried. At WhiteStar, there are only a couple of objects and the water is much cooler. The Vis is the same at both quarries, however, the walk to the water at White Star can be too far for some of us to carry equipment. I dove Portage Quarry this past weekend and the vis was 50'. You could most definitely see from the front to the rear of the Hansa jet! I am not trying to say I am only "pro-Portage Quarry", however, having dove all the quarries, Portage Quarry is the largest body of water and there is more to see and do. The access is easy and if you are looking for an instructor, one of the instructors at Portage Quarry has been there for many years. I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but I feel all divers should be aware of all the opportunities out there. I see a lot of conversation about White Star Quarry, and I just wanted to add information about Portage Quarry, too.