Off Topic birth control pills question

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Just a quickie about Depo Provera...yes, there are horror stories out there, but don't dismiss it out of hand if you are looking for a solution. It just might suit you. I have been on it for over 7 years now with no problems at all.

The pill sucked for me and I tried many many types. I was always sick to my stomach and other problems.

Switched to Depo and everything was & is roses. Love it and intend to continue. As always, YMMV but know that there are a lot of ppl out there using it without the nasties.
I've been on the Patch for about 9 months now...the first 3 or 4 months sucked pretty bad due to breast pain, but now that I've been on it for a while, its been much better. I wore it during a week of diving (did about 18 dives ) in Cayman and it held up well, not the prettiest sight, but since I'm married, I'm not trying to impress anyone but him! ;) The convenience of only having to remember it once a week is great, I will probably continue it, but I also may consider Seasonale...
Just a quickie about Depo Provera...yes, there are horror stories out there, but don't dismiss it out of hand if you are looking for a solution. It just might suit you. I have been on it for over 7 years now with no problems at all.

I swear by Depo Provera too. I've always had difficult periods and love not dealing with them. Also I had breast cancer in 1996 and Depo is something I can take. Cannot take the pill.
I tried seasonal but it made me very sick and gave me a skin rash. Now i use the patch. and love it. I wear the patch for a couple of months and then have a period (not 3 weeks on, 1 week off) It sticks no matter what water doesn't seem to bother it, yeah it gets kinda ratty looking by the end of the week, but no biggie. Also i've found that if it comes loose, you can usually just stick it back on and hold a hot towel to it. Then it's back on.
Add Prozac to birth controll pills and you have me......30 pounds heavier. I can't stand it! I am weaning myself off the prozac and then will work on the BC. I was put on BC because of excessive bleeding. I'm crossing my fingers on that one. Also, around the same time as the BC I started getting migraines. I've gotten them reduced to the point that I usually only get them during my period. This was accomplished by finding out which things caused them such as artificial sweeteners, ex husband (seriously) wine, etc. So, maybe the last thing will be the BC. Which do I prefer? Excessive bleeding or migraines? Gee, what a choice. I'd just like to get off prescription drugs all together. I'd say men have it easier but they have to put up with us :)

Add Prozac to birth controll pills and you have me......30 pounds heavier. I can't stand it! I am weaning myself off the prozac and then will work on the BC. I was put on BC because of excessive bleeding. I'm crossing my fingers on that one. Also, around the same time as the BC I started getting migraines. I've gotten them reduced to the point that I usually only get them during my period. This was accomplished by finding out which things caused them such as artificial sweeteners, ex husband (seriously) wine, etc. So, maybe the last thing will be the BC. Which do I prefer? Excessive bleeding or migraines? Gee, what a choice. I'd just like to get off prescription drugs all together. I'd say men have it easier but they have to put up with us :)

Why not go for something like the Mirena IUD with very little systemic hormone (and no estrogen) that actually decreases bleeding in 75% of women and has been used for excessive/heavy menstrual bleeding. Just a thought if you really want to get rid of the birth control pills...but there are other options out to your OB/GYN. Good luck!


Migraines are a common effect of OCPs, and you should discuss this with your gynecologist. They will be able to prescribe a different pill w/ different hormone ratios in hopes of helping you out. I won't go into specifics here, as that's something you should talk about with your doctor.

Best of luck!

Migraines are a common effect of OCPs, and you should discuss this with your gynecologist. They will be able to prescribe a different pill w/ different hormone ratios in hopes of helping you out. I won't go into specifics here, as that's something you should talk about with your doctor.

Best of luck!

Thanks E and Jim. I now feel like I have a few options. :D
...there are other options out to your OB/GYN.


I wear a silicone rubber cervical cap. It's called Oves and it can be worn continuously for three days. It’s great for a weekend! You do have to be fitted. The down side is that because they come in only 3 sizes some women can't be fitted. Oves is popular in the Canada the UK and Europe but not available in the U.S. except over the internet. My Gyn was willing to fit me. She is supportive of barrier users and she fits diaphragms and caps anyway so it worked out really well for me. Just a thought…
Thanks so much for the reminder of barriers! Just as a reminder, condoms when used correctly (no oil based lube!, keep stored in cool areas and watch your fingernails) are a highly effective form of birth control and disease prevention. I've been working in the HIV and STD field for over 16 years and I am constantly reminded of how folks forget that the pill, depo and IUD will not protect us and our partners from diseases. Another option is the female condom -Reality- and polyurithan condoms. For me, condoms are great for birth control being in a monogomous relationship. I was having too many headaches on hormones.
Make sure anytime you talk with your doc about birth control you share your mental health history. My sister and bestfriend have had histories of depression and were on Depo and became extremely unstable.
One last thing to think of, birth control can be shared responsibility, talk with your partner and if you do not want to go on hormones explore how to erotocize barrier methods and other ways of being intimate without the risk of pregnancy. Have fun!

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