I was on a dive recently with a rental BCD which had all my weight in the two drop pockets. Not how I usually dive but it's what they had for me. We descended somewhat quickly to the bottom at 30 feet due to wanting to get under the moderate current.
Right when I stopped by descent at the bottom, I felt both pockets slip right out! I spotted them on the bottom under me and realized I was headed right back up to the surface. I dumped by BCD's air and kicked downward to slow my ascent, and was able to make a fairly safe return to the surface. Thankfully I was only under for about 2 minutes total and did not suffer any decompression symptoms.
This got me thinking though: While I've been taught theoretically about how to drop weights and ascend, I realized I have never actually practiced it and was not very well prepared for the situation. So I'm curious fellow divers:, do you ever take time to go to a pool or maybe 20ft deep open water area and just practice dropping your weights and handling the quick decisions required to keep the situation safe?