OCTOBER 2007 Scubaboard Divers

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We just got back from Cozumel. Weather was horrible last week but we did get some diving in. Dove with Dive Paradise and they did great. Wish I could say the same about the reefs. Sadly, I think this will be the last time we visit Cozumel.

Sorry to hear you had a bad time, lnorris! I just returned on Monday 10/22 after a week's stay and I have to say I had quite a different experience. It was my first time to Cozumel and I was quite impressed with the diving. I did a number of deep dives (100+ feet), including Devil's Throat with no weather issues. There were scattered showers, as it to be expected with the tropics, but these storms passed rather quickly.

If it's the touristy cruise ship invasion that you didn't like, I totally agree that it's not favorable, but I found it to be somewhat easily avoidable. Seems like much of the Caribbean has been taken over in this way. Nonetheless, I hope you don't give up on our beautiful island just yet:)
We just got back around midnight last night. We were in Coz from 10/21 to 10/28, the weather was really windy but we still had a great time. We dove the Cenotes on 10/24 since the weather was too bad to dive - Christi set it all up for us so all we had to do was get to the Ferry dock and get over to the mainland - word of advice, never buy a round trip ticket!

Anyway, we got to dive on the 25th & 26th, alot more sand on the reefs but still beautiful and the marine life is great. Although we only saw a few lobster this year, last year they were everywhere. This year it seemed like the deeper dives were not as good as the shallower dives.

We only got to do one night dive this year and that by far was the best dive, plus we got to dive with Pedro, he is the best divemaster by far. Pedro can point out things that most people just cannot see. We did not get to do devils throat but just another reason to go back to Cozumel. I have to find a new job so I'm not sure when we will be back but we definetely will!

And a quick hello to Joe and Jane, it was very nice to meet you.
I just got back from three dives today. It is beautify today. The pending storm?? has stalled out or changed direction or something. Sunny and light wind. Just hope it stays this nice the rest of the week. :lotsalove:
I just got back from three dives today. It is beautify today. The pending storm?? has stalled out or changed direction or something. Sunny and light wind. Just hope it stays this nice the rest of the week. :lotsalove:

Which pending storm would you be referring to? TS Noel? The one that didn't even enter the Caribbean and was never really a threat to Coz to begin with?

Don't confuse the "nortes" with hurricanes....totally different things :)

The first "norte" of the year is our sign of relief that we've dodged another season!
Which pending storm would you be referring to? TS Noel? The one that didn't even enter the Caribbean and was never really a threat to Coz to begin with?

Don't confuse the "nortes" with hurricanes....totally different things :)

The first "norte" of the year is our sign of relief that we've dodged another season!

I'm not sure what a "nortes" is. I used the generic term (at least in the USA) of storm, as in rain storm, thunder storm, wind storm, snow storm). Not Hurricane. It was meant to cover what ever the dive operators were referring to regarding not being able to go out the next day. I'm sure if it were a hurricane, they would have called it that.

In any case, we did have some rain showers, and one day where the dive op couldn't pick us up in the morning (Thursday) due to wind and waves. But, we were able to taxi to the harbor and board the boat there. All in all, it was a nice week. Cloudy some of the time, light rain almost every day, but other than lower light at depth, and a bit harder to climb back aboard due to waves, it was a great time. We even did 2 centoes dives on the last day. Very cool!

I got to meet another SB member from Colorado :), but missed the ones from Texas (but heard you were asking about me). :eyebrow:

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