SORRY, contrarian here. 1.) I would never put ANYTHING around my neck. My octo is an SS1 safetly tucked away on my left side. I would donate my primary to my buddy. 2.) This new way of wrapping around one's body all that hose for an OAE to me seems silly and wrong. I have now gotten into streamlining by entire profile while underwater so to have six feet of hose around my torso is very odd. Do what seems correct for you.!
so you don't wear ties?

1) the bungee is the only thing around your neck, and if the second gets tugged, it will easily come out of the bungee.
2) it isn't a new way. it's been there / done that a long time, now.
3) is the primary you're donating to your buddy on a long hose, or are you going to be nose-to-nose with them if they go out of gas? if it *is* on a longer hose, how are you routing it?