Now, I have to ask. A new stroke poll....

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Originally posted by Uncle Pug

Sure .... let's hear it. :)

Nice try, but you're not roping me into a scrap on stroke vs DIR!!! I like to think I'm extremely open minded, and ready to learn, but I start to dig my heels in when opinions get forced down my throat.

PS - you can wear whatever makes you comfortable! I dive for pure enjoyment, and it wouldn't cross my mind to scoff at any diver who didn't do things the same way I do (which incidentally, is unbeatable in its perfection!)
OK, I'll be nice here :D. I promise I won't rebutt anything you say to this in a negative mannor. What is it, specifically, about your gear configuration and diving philosophy that is superior to DIR? Do you even feel your system of diving is superior to DIR? IF not, why don't you feel compelled to change, or do you? Do you believe your system (configuration, philosophy) is equal to DIR? Are you interested in streamlining your gear, making it/you more efficient, and eliminating failure points, or do you think you are there already? Finally, is your biggest beef with DIR the attitude prevailant in SOME DIRers, or the actual merits/nonmerits of DIR?

I guarentee you that I won't say one single harassing remark if you answer these questions honestly :wink:.

Originally posted by Sea Squirt
PS - you can wear whatever makes you comfortable! I dive for pure enjoyment, and it wouldn't cross my mind to scoff at any diver who didn't do things the same way I do (which incidentally, is unbeatable in its perfection!)
Oh...thank you Sea Squirt...
I like things that are comfortable....
BTW have you seen *my new undies*?

And I am glad you won't scoff at me....
And try to stick things down my throat....

But I am sorry to say I have not arrived at perfection yet...
But I am glad you have....
What is it like?

Lost Yooper, I've been pondering these issues lately, so I'll take your challenge.

What is it, specifically, about your gear configuration and diving philosophy that is superior to DIR?

I don't go round calling people strokes.

Do you even feel your system of diving is superior to DIR?


IF not, why don't you feel compelled to change, or do you?

I don't feel compelled to change because my gear/system is appropriate for the diving I do. And because I'd rather spend my money on diving than on a whole new set of gear. And because it would be dead confusing for the people I dive with if I turned up with seven feet of hose twined round me. I often dive with strangers, so I try to keep my gear simple and standard.

Do you believe your system (configuration, philosophy) is equal to DIR?

Difficult question. I don't believe the seatbelt in my car is equal to a five-point racing harness. Then again, I don't take the same risks as a race driver. Same with DIR. I can see the benefits for technical diving, but that's not what I do.

Are you interested in streamlining your gear, making it/you more efficient, and eliminating failure points, or do you think you are there already?

I am always interested in doing it better (DIB). That's why I read the DIR threads, to see what I can take from them.

Finally, is your biggest beef with DIR the attitude prevailant in SOME DIRers, or the actual merits/nonmerits of DIR?

The attitude, absolutely. Certainly it is only some DIRers, and I don't dismiss the message just because some of the messengers deliver it... um, aggressively... but it is offputting. Sometimes DIR seems more like a fundamentalist religion than an approach to diving. I was born sceptical, I like to make my own choices.

Thanks Zept,

Do you think it's possible that you might find greater enjoyment in your diving if you were configured in such a mannor that facilitates proper horizontal trim, less drag, and greater streamlining? By pushing less water, you're efficiency in the water will increase, resulting in better air consumption. Would these things be desirable to an OW tropical diver?

Wouldn't having a good quality backup reg immediately accessible on a necklace under your chin and donating the primary reg (which you and your buddy knows works) be something desireable to all divers? Donating the primary reg is a very popular method of air sharing.

How about proper fitness and diving with safe divers? These things should be beneficial to all divers, I suspect?

How about simplicity? Wouldn't tropical OW divers benefit from the ultimate in simplicity and adaptability?

I'm glad you're a skeptic, but don't allow the attitude of a few cloud the merits of DIR.

Take care.


PS. Most DIRers don't go around calling others strokes. In fact the word stroke is more often brought up by non-DIRers.
Originally posted by Lost Yooper
Wouldn't having a good quality backup reg immediately accessible on a necklace under your chin and donating the primary reg (which you and your buddy knows works) be something desireable to all divers? Donating the primary reg is a very popular method of air sharing.

This is something I have questions about. As it stands, an OOA diver can take either of my regs. I'll be kind of surprised if they take my primary reg, but I know where my octopus is and could breathe off it myself. With a necklace backup, they have to take the primary. What happens if they forget and go for the backup? Or am I missing something?

I wouldn't want to dive with someone with a non-standard rig, on a one-off basis -- it would make me nervous -- so I don't want to impose a non-standard rig on a stranger. It would be different with a regular buddy using the same setup, but that isn't my situation.

I take your points about trim and streamlining, but I don't think I'd see enough benefit to justify the investment in new gear. Plus I hate back buoyancy. I know there are many excellent arguments in its favour, but... sorry, I just don't like it. Fitness and safety are key issues, but do you have to dive DIR to be concerned about them?

I think we agree far more than we disagree, but we aren't going to agree on gear configuration. Your system is better. My system is what the people I dive with expect, and that's better for me.



'nuff said

Big T
Originally posted by Lost Yooper
Wouldn't having a good quality backup reg immediately accessible on a necklace under your chin and donating the primary reg (which you and your buddy knows works) be something desireable to all divers? Donating the primary reg is a very popular method of air sharing.

I have a problem with this. Not the long hose technique, just this statement. I dive with a high quality Beuchat reg for my octo in O/W. I know it works. Anyone who would get into the water with an octo that they would not trust their own life with to begin with is a fool! Whether it be a long hose, or a octo, you and you buddy should know for a fact it works.

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