I consider my gear like my body, or my jeep. It has to be in good enough condition that it does the job and has a very low probability of failure. If it has a few dings or scratches, then those can be worn as proudly as a veteran soldier wears campain medals.
I have scars on my body, my car and my dive gear, that remind me of the dumbass mistakes I have made, the narrow escapes and lessons learned, and the successful adventures completed and stored carefully away in the cherished memories archive of my brain to be brought out on occasions when bragging to impress, or serious introspection or old age requires.
A couple of good scars impress the girls too. "yeah, that one was from when I was bit by a croc in queensland..... that one was from being shot at on the Sudan border...." who could resisit?
The shiny backplate and perfectly yellow painted tank will usually get a quiet "Hmmmmmph" from me. 'nuff said.
I have scars on my body, my car and my dive gear, that remind me of the dumbass mistakes I have made, the narrow escapes and lessons learned, and the successful adventures completed and stored carefully away in the cherished memories archive of my brain to be brought out on occasions when bragging to impress, or serious introspection or old age requires.
A couple of good scars impress the girls too. "yeah, that one was from when I was bit by a croc in queensland..... that one was from being shot at on the Sudan border...." who could resisit?
The shiny backplate and perfectly yellow painted tank will usually get a quiet "Hmmmmmph" from me. 'nuff said.