Since our Florida keys house will be our retirement home I am comfortable with a tropical reef setup, Within reason there are local wrecks and stuff that will be deeper and obviously colder water...
I found out that at least the closest (there are seveal close) dive shop does rent both Din and Yoke tanks. In fact I have asked 2 shops, one in the south and one up north and they both offer din and yoke rentals.....
My wife and I tried on a Mares Hybred back inflate BCD and we both liked it.....
A couple of quick corrections; deeper in the Fl ocean does not mean significantly colder, (diving depth anyhow) and "cold water" with regards to regulator function applies to sub 45F water. IOW, a non-issue for you. I would not pay a nickel extra for sealed regs in your situation.
If you are primarily using rental tanks in the U.S. and caribbean, you will regret having DIN regs. Trust me on this, I'm not selling you anything. The VAST majority of single tank rentals and charters for recreational diving in the U.S. are yoke valves.
If by "tried on" the BC you mean put it on in the shop, you have learned next to nothing about how it will perform in the water, while wearing a wetsuit, in a weightless environment, with a tank on your back. In fact, this is probably why people buy jacket BCs; they feel nice and comfy in the dive shop. Too bad it's the opposite in the water!
Are you really spending $7000 on recreational dive equipment for warm water? That's a little insane IMO, but I must be misunderstanding something. Here's a very quick and dirty rough budget that is somewhere near appropriate....again, entirely my opinion, it's your money.
2 regulators w/alternate 2nd stage $700
2 dive computers $400
2 BP/W $700
2 wetsuits $300
That leaves you $5000 to get a compressor and fleet of tanks!

But, to each his own.....