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Not that I can tell. We'll see come tomorrow.
Was @ the beach earlier in the week, Gulf still looks pretty mucked up...wind is supposed to swiitch East soon so maybe that will help comditions...BTW Tooth, you sure are one dedicated diver!! Lol!
Buddy of mine was out yesterday and had 6-8' in about 25' on hard bottom.. I'd be posting more reports but all my clients have been wanting to sling steel lately.. Be safe out there guys!..
Okay, I didn't go out but I did get a report of 2 - 4 ft. at Service Club this a.m.
Heard from a bud that off Venice Beach yesterday viz was 2-4 ft and a nice tooth was found!
Any reports on viz (and maybe silt)... haven't heard much lately. Thank you in advance
Anyone been out in the past couple of days? Was down a couple of weeks ago and the silt/vis was the roughest I have seen.
Trying to decide if it is worth a trip down this weekend.
It has gotten better than a few weeks ago. Shore looked mucked up on Saturday (18th) but viz wasn't bad (1-4'ish?). Silt is still an issue. Will be trying either Thursday or Friday. Will post if I go. What I have learned is that viz is highly variable even at same spot. I am a kayak diver. Will drop in one area, have zero and the guy 100yrds over reports 8 feet (I confirmed). It is even like that at the beach... Did Alhambra a few weeks ago (viz was 1-3 (maybe 5 on a good moment)). Guy diving at Venice beach public area said it was 10 ft (and had the megs to prove it). Same dive time/conditions but different areas. Dive safe!
Thanks for the update, if its hit and miss I think I might give it a try.
Weather channel makes it look like a mess, saying high wind and surf, anyone been out in the last couple of days?

It has gotten better than a few weeks ago. Shore looked mucked up on Saturday (18th) but viz wasn't bad (1-4'ish?). Silt is still an issue. Will be trying either Thursday or Friday. Will post if I go. What I have learned is that viz is highly variable even at same spot. I am a kayak diver. Will drop in one area, have zero and the guy 100yrds over reports 8 feet (I confirmed). It is even like that at the beach... Did Alhambra a few weeks ago (viz was 1-3 (maybe 5 on a good moment)). Guy diving at Venice beach public area said it was 10 ft (and had the megs to prove it). Same dive time/conditions but different areas. Dive safe!
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