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Hey, folks! I'm Sherry....38, single, no pets, no SO at the moment, and no kids (although, like a few of you here, I have nieces and nephews who I spoil rotten.). I'm a school counselor and work with K-8 students. Yes...this means I do get those summer months off which means more opportunity to dive :)

I've been certified since July 2003 and am planning to do an AOW class perhaps in January. I've only experienced the cold waters of Monterey so far but am looking forward to some warm water diving and someday diving the Great Barrier Reef.

Although diving is a new passion, I've also been very involved in local theatre. My current life challenge is figuring out how to fit diving around the rehearsal schedule. SCUBA is the first thing that's really challenged my love for theatre.

I'm always looking for more folks to dive with so if you're ever in Monterey and want to dive send me a PM.

Dive safe...dive happy.

Hi Ya'll
My screen name speaks for itself, I am 41, happily divorced mom of a too smart for her britches 8yr old. I grew up in northern PA, moved to Florida 20 years ago. I am Naui OW since 1993, and have only dived here in Florida or the Bahamas, so I am quite spoiled. The rest of my family consists of my walking buddy-the dog, 2 cats and a bird.
I used to ride racehorses. I got paid to ride horses and saw the sunrise for free! At one time considered being a jockey, but a fall and lifestyle canges caused me to rethink that goal. My current job(s) involve using the latest software toys, er I mean tools, photoshop, dreamweaver, quark, etc to develop end products. During my surface intervals, I enjoy gardening and dreaming of diving.
I am 5'2 1/2'', (those half inches really do count at this height), don't have the body I had when I was younger and riding, have brown hair, hazel eyes and like jagw8r1 they change color with my moods and what I wear.
When in South Florida and you are ready for some beach diving, look me up!
My name is Chris, male, 40, I live in Toronto and am an Instructor (PADI and NAUI). I am amazed at the life stories on this thread, and the diversity of people attracted to diving.

I believe I received a DCS "hit" in my elbow helping two divers sort out a free flowing problem, during a deep dive in July 2002. Now, 14 months later, I have severe tendinitis in my elbow and cannot swim or dive without pain. They say it will go away, but....

Do you think scuba diving is an escape, or is it a legitimate hobby?

I'm 31, and I was born & raised here in Southeast Alaska on a large island.
I've been married/ divorced/ in long term & short term relationships and whatnot, but currently in a wonderful relationship with a really great guy.
I have three kids - 2 girls, one almost 14 (her b-day is next month, and we are going to get her diving lessons!), and one that just turned 11, and a little boy who is 4 1/2.

I have a moldy oldy 13 year old doberman mix named Cody, and two cats - Algernon, which I "inherited" from my SO's former relationship, and the kitten we got together named Fry.
And our 17 chickens **insert dueling banjos here**.

I love to travel, garden, dive, hunt, fish, draw & paint, and start numerous projects that I will never get around to finishing.

I guess that's about all there is to me!
crispos once bubbled...

Do you think scuba diving is an escape, or is it a legitimate hobby?

Both & much more... including an addiction.
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the boards, but can I play too?
My name is Michelle, and I've just recently moved to the No. Virginia area. Been diving for about 2 1/2 years and am always thinking about when the next dive is going to be...! But since I'm a poor grad student I don't get to the water as often as I'd like to. Still don't know where to dive in this area yet, either!

Let's see, about me... I'm single, no attachments or kids. Would love to have a big dog but the housing situation won't allow it...! I've been living abroad for many years and am getting used to being back in the US again, being a student again... lots of new adjustments.

I agree with nessum -- it's an escape, a hobby, AND an addiction. I'm addicted, I admit it!

Looking forward to "meeting" everyone... if there's anyone in the Metro DC area that's looking for a dive buddy, let me know! :)

Hello Everyone,

Well I've been reading a lot of everyone else's posts on this Thread so I figured I'd go ahead with it as well.

My name is Deb and I'm very new to Diving, so much that I'm actually waiting on my class to start October 31st, but I have to admit I'm very much already hooked on the sport and can't wait until October 31st comes along... :D

A little about me, I'm 43 y/o and been divorced for a few years, however now I just consider myself single. I have a beautiful Black Lab named Bailey that I love to take for walks and to the park or lake to play. I have many interests, however the top of the list is diving.. :)

Well that's about it for me.. Next..

My name is Kathy ... just celebrated my 1 yr anniversary of getting certified. I'm 46; Alan and I have been together 28 yrs, married 25 (did our 25th Anniversary & our 50th dive in Cozumel in July!); have 1 daughter (Lauren), 21, currently at University in Denmark studying marine biology. 1 dog (the daughter's) currently living with us ..... grew up in the northeast, then moved to California, then Texas. We both got seriously addicted to diving after the OW classes, and have taken our AOW, Nitrox, Fish ID, Underwater Naturalist & EFR classes together. I figure the more we learn - the better!We'll be back in Cozumel in Dec. for 9 days (and for my birthday!!) and can't wait!! :)
I started diving in Aug of 1999. I did a weekend course (please don't do that!), it was a PADI course but when I did my ow it was with a NAUI instructor. Then I found SSI and I now have 8 specialities and Stress & Rescue. My Dive Con material is in the mail.

I have dove Grand Cayman 3 times, Cayman Aggressor IV, Belize, Bay Island Aggressor, Cozumel, Valhala the abandoned ICBM Missile Silo at Abilene, TX, nothing to see (concrete tube), cold water - 54 degrees and one of the neatest dives I have ever done. Locally we either dive Table Rock Lake in SW Missouri or Beaver Lake in NW Arkansas. No trips planned until next May - ouch my gills are getting real dry.

Been married to a Diver for 29 yrs and he was certified before we meet. In the days before c-cards. I talked him into taking the course with our kids & me and he was shocked to see the difference in the courses from 1969 to 1999. We have a set of twins - 22 yrs old and a future son-in-law all divers. When we travel together it is interesting 2 bags plus carry-ons times 5.

This is a great thread.
Hi, I'm Nisi. I'm brand new here, too. Just stumbled accross this board last week, but I suspect I'll be visiting regularly now.

Anyway, I'm 29 (no, really), NASDS certified since 1994. I'm a computer programmer for a regional electronics/appliance/furniture retailer. My father, brother, and mother all dive, so that's how I got into it.

I'm married with a 2.5 year old daughter (unless you ask her, then I have a 2.5yo sea turtle!). My husband does not dive and isn't likely to start any time soon. I've know him for almost 10 years and he just finally got comfortable snorkeling a year ago. Everything at his own pace. My daughter, on the other hand, LOVES the water. She's completely obsessed with all kinds of marine life, sea turtles in particular. Strange considering you can't get much further from an ocean than we are (Wisconsin). My family is laying bets right now as to who will get certified first- my husband or my daughter. My money's on my little girl!

I dive locally a few times a year. I don't mind the cold water, but I prefer warm. It's not so much the temperature, but that feeling of freedom you get when you ditch the wet suit. I've been on a few trips to the Caribbean and I love it. We're going to Coz again next month. I can't wait!


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