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I forgot to mention the scuba gear we all got for a Christmas bonus last year, and totally paid trip for two any where we wanted to go the year before.
What do you think we'll get this year?

Hmmmm.... OK, I'll bite. I'm Heather, 32, Florida native. New SO who is also a diver. Dog- Kaiser- grumpy miniature dachshund. I've been diving for 17 years, the last 10 of which have been primarily tech diving. I've been an instructor for 10 years, and I teach Trimix and Overhead stuff as well. Oh- I'm I'm teaching my first OW class in 6 years this weekend.... I'm scared. :)
*Outside of a swimming pool, that is.

I'm Judy, a writer, age 42 -- the oldest one here?, 5'8', no husband, no kids, only a new puppy -- a skinny 80-lb rescue dog, a two-time strike-out with ISSUES. It's rough (ruff) at times, but she's already stolen my heart.

Diving seduced me at age 15. Certified NAUI OW at 19, PADI OW at 38, currently a (non-teaching) PADI AI. Strictly a warm water diver. I've done the cold stuff and don't like it. There are too many other ways to torture myself.

A dive trip may be on the horizon -- perhaps a liveaboard to the Turks and Caicos? -- since my life ss calming down after 10 difficult months. (My father died, as well as my beloved 14- and 13-year-old dogs.)

Dreaming, dreaming of compressed air and the ocean. Sometimes I wake up in the night, my mouth is dry and I can taste salt water.....Hmmm, anyone got the number of the Aggressor Fleet's reservations desk?
My name is Lisa
My husband, Don, and I have been diving since July 2002, mostly in Ohio quarries, Grand Cayman and the May River in S.C. I work for a physical therapy clinic as a tech and also teach arthritis water exercise classes. Don is a retired marine and presently a purchaser for our local hospital.We have two ELIGIBLE sons who do not dive but we are working on that! Brian, age 30, lives in Atlanta and is a CPA. Dave,age 28, lives in Hollywood and is a propmaster for the film industry.We live in Michigan but own a small villa on Hilton Head Island. We hope to retire this time next year and spend the winter months at HHI. We are temporarily unable to dive since Don will be having some serious surgery for an aortic aneurysm in late October. Hopefully, we will be able to get wet again in the spring. I hope so since we are sooo addicted! I hope that everyone gets to do some great diving and will share it with us! Happy and Safe Diving to all!!!
Hello everybody.

I'm Paula, a single engineer in the automotive parts business. I just turned 37 and am 5'5". I recently met a man from the board and so far it's going very well!

I have the cutest little 2.5 year old niece and a very active 1 year old nephew. Both are little fish! Another nephew is due mid-November.

I've been diving for 16 years, I was certified while still in college in 1988. Had to postpone my open water written exam 'cause I really needed to cram for a circuits final! LOL

My father and two sisters are also divers so this was a family hobby at first. But my sisters haven't been doing as much diving given the babies and dad has other hobbies that come first. Now they are all warm water wimps! Needless to say I have a lot of tanks!

I belong to and am very active in a local SCUBA. I joined after completing OW have held a variety of positions on the board and run several charters. Right now I'm helping run the Buddy Line program (for the 4th time). It's a program for the newer divers to work on their skills while buddying up with more experienced divers, to give divers non-charter dives to work on their skills and to check out their equipment when necessary, and make it easier for people to buddy up. Needless to say I've done a lot of local lake and quarry diving! But Great Lakes shipwrecks are my passion.

Oooh. Didn't realize I had written so much.

Looking forward to 'meeting' everyone.
Hi I'm Ness, & I have a problem...
I'm 19, in college (first year, for a bachelor of arts eventually). And I work weekends @ a marine service station; yes my life revolves around the water & always has.
I took my open water in June & got hooked. I completed my Rescue Cert. on Tuesday (all PADI, & don't hold that against me, as I know some might... there shop & instructors were fabulous) I actually hope to one day move on & work on a cruise ship or something for a few years... just have some fun & make a living diving while I'm young. I can't wait to try out some warm water diving, though I don't mind this cold stuff too much. I just bought my own drysuit (today) so I'm actually very happy with the cold stuff @ the moment.
I have 1 kitty: Emily; 1 mutt residing with me (& my dad): Maya, a 115lbs black lab italian mastiff cross lap puppy; & 1 puppy I had to leave behind with the rest of my family when I moved here to go to school: Milly, a 60lbs husky golden lab cross. I don't need kids, I have pets.
I'm 5'6. I have a blue eye & a green one (yup, that's right). And I guess I'm dirty blonde at the moment.
Hello all,

Lovely to read about so many diversified folks who are as in love with diving as I am.

32 year old single mother of a beatiful, adventurous 11 year old, my best friend and future dive buddy. I work in the software industry, have a mini-schnauzer & border collie and dive whenever possible. Naui Advanced and Rescue, waiting for the next step as time allows. Taking life one dive at a time and loving every minute of it.

My future holds...well diving....but we are shopping for a sailboat to move onto and that will take us where ever it takes us. We are native to Northern California and have only been cold water diving so far from the Salt Point area down to San Diego. Not longing for any dive destination in peticular, just the next one as soon as possible.

Oh....and I am 6' 0"...he he he. As for pics....well we'll see.

Dive safe, dive often.
Hi, I'm Jessica.... Oh, you probably figured that out. I am 24 years old and am an assistant manager at a major computer retailer. I love my job (other then working all the time) I have a bird named Andi and my sister has a dog named Adriane, that I am going to steal from her... SHHH don't tell. I am single without a SO at the moment. I figure I will settle down one day but right now there is too much fun to be had. I have been diving since July of last year and love every second of it. My boss dives and so I got several weekends in a row off work (Unheard of in retail) to get certified. My drivers license says I'm 5'3 but I know for a fact I am 5'3 1/2. Ok, I'm short... with brown hair and eyes. I love the water and most sports... I am a HUGE Jacksonville Jaguars fan and am convinced every year they are going to the Super Bowl. I also love to play raquetball, softball, and basketball. Except nobody will play basketball with me anymore cause I play rough. (What? You have to when your 5'3... and 1/2) Well, I guess that's me.

PM me if you wanna know my real name. Just got my DM, hope to get cave training in FL this winter. I have no SO and all my kids have fur, tails and lack opposable thumbs (horses, dogs, cats). To support my expensive hobbies, I work as a fire captain in the Big City, but live in the boonies where I volunteer for the local dive rescue/recovery team. I'm 5'6" and stronger than most women, but wimpier than most men...
You can guess my name from my screename.

I am one of those divers for whom work is entended surface interval where I pay for my diving (barely, some days, LOL)! I spend that time as a production operator at a medical products plant.

I am 34 and unattached (or independent to steal a term from Diverlady). I like with my brother, two dogs and a cat.

I certified as an open water diver in July, 2003 and am finishing up my Dive Control Specialist (DM and AI combined for the non-SSI divers here) this weekend. I love to dive old wood wrecks in the cold freshwater of the Great Lakes.

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