Foxfish in reading your posts you strike me as an intelligent, thoughtful diver. Looking at your profile, we have similar certifications and experiences. I'm not one to bow to the agency gods and collect every c card imaginable, but like you I recently took the SDI Solo course with a good instructor. (He also taught cave and wreck diving). He was adamant about not entering overhead environments ( even simple swim thrus) solo. I've heeded the advice. In my diving experience, I'm always struck by what simple things can go wrong underwater. I remember swimming by the remnants of a dangling rope tied off a submerged boat, I remember thinking that I should swim well above and away from it, but thought the chances of getting entangled were very slim. It got me right along my tank valve. Not realizing it I kept finning. As it tightened I went vertical kicking silt everywhere. In seconds I was caught in zero viz. To add to it I was pushing my air and was at about 500PSI. Stupid sh*t all in a very simple Midwest quarry. Now there are lots of "simple" swim thrus in the quarries around here. I can't imagine having any problem swimming thru these solo. But I remind myself of that weird stuff happens underwater and it can be an unforgiving place. Dive safe brother.
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