To me it's because cavern is somewhat of a misnomer. How fast can the light zone disappear? Silt kicked up by the diver or others, flow changes and diver ends up deeper in than planned, catastrophic gas loss results in diver with single tank not having enough air to get to the opening, or out of the blue diver loses ballast and ends up pinned to the ceiling. Somewhat farfetched sure, but on the surface any accident seems that way. There is in reality no reason for you to stay out if you don't want to stay out. Just make sure that you and your family understand that if something does go wrong there is no need for anyone to recover you and put themselves at risk. Solo training is not overhead training. It still assumes you can make a direct ascent to the surface if the SHTF. Overhead training teaches you to deal with when you can't.
I am doing a presentation in march that I'm now developing that deals with some of the misconceptions about so called safe overheads like caverns and swim thru's. It is based on my own values and ethics as well as training and experience, but in essence it boils down to that these "safe" overheads are just an accident waiting to happen for those who don't want to play by the rules or are outright lied to about how dangerous they can be. The latter are those people who were led into these places by people who "do it all the time" and ended up dying as a result.
You do what you want. No one to stop you. That's the beauty of this. Plenty of ways to get killed or hurt all on your own. But again just don't expect anyone to bring back your corpse.
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I've been diving these swim throughs and caverns for about the past ten years both as a freediver and scuba diver. I regularly enter these caverns with a buddy while scuba diving. I've never heard of any divers having visibility problems and have rarely experienced this myself.
Dive charters will typically require trainee open water divers don't enter the caverns during their courses. I did on my advanced open water, but then I'd been doing it for years while freediving.
So you'll understand that the idea that it is too risky to dive these caverns solo - period - is a bit hard to swallow.
I've done a little reading on the inherent risks associated with diving these caverns since posting this thread. I think most of them are identified in this thread.
The biggest worry is getting lost and not being able to find your way out. I won't say that could never happen but you'd have to work pretty hard for that to happen in our caverns. The sand settles out quickly.
I've noted a few areas where I need to be a little more careful like squeezing through constricted passages but that applies to buddy diving and solo diving.
I'm looking for other specialty courses and overhead might be a good one. I've done a little diving in a wreck not far off the coast that is in a particularly silty area. Frankly it is not something that greatly interests me. Following a buddy into the lower portions of the wreck as his fins silted up the area made me think that this could quickly become uncomfortable. When he motioned to again enter the area after we'd been through and entered a higher more open level I politely declined.
Given my distribution of weighting, getting pinned to the wall of a cavern is probably impossible. Which reminds me, I need to check that ditching my weight belt will actually result in me being buoyant - we digress.
I spoke with a diver a few weeks back who likes to chase crayfish (lobster). He was saying how he was in a tight passage a few weeks back and found his regulator got stuck so that for a while he was contemplating cutting it off so that he could get out. He reassured me he'd done some advanced diving course, the name of which escapes me. He was diving solo and had no pony bottle. I suggested he should use one.
He said another time he got a little annoyed because he was up one of his favourite passages chasing crayfish with only his fins protruding. Some trainee divers swam by and tried to 'rescue' him by pulling him out of the passage.
I accept this is stretching the limits of safe solo diving in an overhead environment.
Anyway, I'll be interested to read your article so please give us a heads up when it is finished.