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You know, your accusations against the mod in question are completely baseless: there was no animosity or colusion on his part. Frankly, I find this kind of irresponsible finger pointing to be disheartening as well as counter productive.

Ok, so I report a post with the hopes of a timely response. So, the only MOD available was one on his way to bed? Were there no other MODs available to look into the situation? He had time to reply to me that it would be looked into.

I suppose everyone that reports a post, is doing so, with expectations that sometime in the next few days, it will be addressed.

It is odd, that when some people make a report, two, three or more MODs will show up. I report a post regarding an ongoing problem. One that the MODs have a long history of dragging thier feet on, to the point that at least one member I know has quit using the forum completely. Yet there was but one MOD that could handle it, and it was one that was going to bed. I suppose I reported the post for the fun of it. So, it obviously wasn't one of importance.
Rick Inman:
Oh, come on, Pete. PHD is assigning motive, reading what's in the mind of the Mod, and telling the Mod's hidden agenda. Are you suggesting that he's not a prognosticator? That he can't read the thoughts of the mods?

This ability must exist, for so many claim to have this power. :wink:

Here is a perfect example. I make a valid claim, I do the right thing and report the post. Not only is the report handled as if it was trivial, but now I am ridiculed by the people I turn to for assistance.

Maybe I should handle this a different way, by starting a thread about it. Maybe this is all a misunderstanding, and if I was just to tell the person that is causing the problem, why I think it is a problem, I can skip the middlemen MODs and go direct to the source.

Obviously by avoiding the wanted conflict, and going to the MODs with the problem, we, the ones following the rules, are the problem.
I think that's the specialty course I forgot to take Rick! :D
I think PADI has a course for that, check your LDS for availability. :D
Here is a perfect example. I make a valid claim, I do the right thing and report the post. Not only is the report handled as if it was trivial, but now I am ridiculed by the people I turn to for assistance.
I apologize if you felt ridiculed. It was not my intent to offend, but to try to lighten the atmosphere.

I don't think your claim is valid. You are not privy to the discussions and the process that goes on behind the scenes regarding reported posts - nor is it possible for us to make you aware of those details. Therefore you cannot possibly know what the motives or the thoughts behind the decisions, or the actions, and so your presumption to assume you do is in error. I guess I was trying to point that out in a light-heart, humorous way - and in that, I was in error.

Actually, I do appreciate the importance of the mods handling reported posts in a timely manor, and for those times when we fail to do so, again, I apologize.

I wish I could tell you that we will always answer every reported post in a manor that satisfies everyone all the time, but I cannot. If fact, I can guarantee that we will continue to fail. However, I do also promise that we take the well intended comments and critiques of the good members very seriously, and attempt to improve by applying them whenever possible.

That said, I will stand by the fact that it is not possible for you to read the minds of the moderators.

Again, I apologize if I offended you with my poor attempt at humor.


Well Rick, it is possible that you are unawares of this particular situation.

You may remember Gidds. Well, she had some troubles with a member harassing her. She never responded to the person, instead ignored her best she could. Unfortunately, the person had some privleges that prevented using the ignore feature.

It continued, and she did the right thing, ignoring best she could, and reported everytime contact was attempted.

She was told she was bothering the staff with all of the reporting. I don't understand how the staff can say she wasn't being bothered, when they were being bothered. Yet they still claim there was no problem.

Gidds changed screen names when she moved to FL. And when that was discovered, the problems continued. Eventually, after exhausting what she could do here on the board, she completely quit using it. This was last fall.

The person continued to attempt contact, to the point it caused a problem between a friend and myself when this person doing the harassing, tried getting them in the middle of it. This is when I started trying to deal with the staff. Some resolution had been made, and I thought we could let the matter drop.

Then, recently the person again attempted to harass Gidds, by putting out a fake plea to other members. After being contacted "for" this person, I went to see what it was about, and then reported the post.

I recieved a PM from a MOD saying it would be handled. It was left alone for an extended period of time, allowing more people to view the post, and therefore have more people who then "on behalf" of the harasser, would try to contact Gidds.

THIS is why I wanted a timely response to the posting. It isn't like this is something new. Gidds did everything by the book. I have pleaded with the staff, yet they continue to let these things slide.

So, please excuse me if I seem frustrated.
Without discussing the possible facts in photohikedive's post here, I do want to point out that NetDoc's phone number and email addy is every post, he is very available most of the time, and if one ever feels wronged by a staff member - they can phone or email him. I don't think you'll find a fairer person. 27
I have dealt with him as well Don.

and technically, it isn't my case, it's Gidd's. She's given up SB, and is still being bothered by this person. I wouldn't bother SB about it, but it is being done via SB.
I have dealt with him as well Don.

and technically, it isn't my case, it's Gidd's. She's given up SB, and is still being bothered by this person. I wouldn't bother SB about it, but it is being done via SB.
Done via SB is enough to report directly to Pete/NetDoc, and while it'd be best if the offended person did the report, I appreciate your concern. Sometimes second hand info is useful.
Well Rick, it is possible that you are unawares of this particular situation.

You're right, I wasn't aware of this particular post. I just looked at it. It was reported by you at 10:30am, and edited at 10:30pm. Twelve hours does seem like a long time. And I can't speak for the mod who claimed it and what was going on that day that caused it to take so long.

If it helps, I will PM you my personal email address, and you may pm and email me any time you feel you need an immediate response. I won't always be able to drop whatever I'm doing, but I'll try (unless I'm underwater! :D ).
So, please excuse me if I seem frustrated.
Of course. As you would for me, too.
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