cdiver2:You answered your own question in the first post "they are fully booked" so why waste time answering e mails when there is going to be no return on it for them.
I have a friend in St Lucia even more backward (electronics wise) and we are in daily contact. Sure it go's down at his end now and again but never for a day.
Sorry, I have to disagree. I am not going to go into a full explanation here...but you have no idea of the ongoing internet problems that we experience down's infuriating, especially when there's NOTHING you can do about it...NOTHING!
As recent as a few weeks ago, every cable internet subscriber was without service for up to a week, some longer. Can you imagine the backlog of e-mails that caused and how overwhelimg that can be?
Another thing that my wireless ISP guy explained to me is that many servers, particularly those in larger companies with high security block incoming e-mail from foreign ISP's because they think they are SPAM or contain "malicious code." My website host and e-mail host in on Chicago, but the ISP is here.
I can't speak for other ops, but I answer every inquiry I receive even if I cannot accommodate...and I offer alternatives if I cannot accommodate.
If you don't get an answer from me, it either means I didn't receive your message or I replied and it didn't go through...and yes, every once in awhile when I get behind because I had other business obligations to attend to that took precedence over sitting in the office...a few can slip through...I'm human...not perfect and I can speak for my colleagues on that too. This is a tough business, and even tougher in a foreign country...but I guess we're all disorganized down here by your standards cdiver.
I also have an auto-reply (that comes off my server is Chicago) that says to follow up by phone or another e-mail if you don't hear back for this very reason. Check out various Coz websites as well and you'll see this disclaimer on many Coz websites.
I did receive a call a few days ago from someone that said they had e-mailed...I had no record of a message from them and I am booked for the dates they requested, so I gave them two referrals of two excellent operations...and I am guessing it was mstevens...possibly not. If it was, let me know and I can help you follow-up with these ops and/or offer some other recommendations.