Guy Alcala
Lets look at shallow shore dive like the BW. You'll almost certainly hit your turn pressure before you ever hit an NDL on a single tank, and it's still pretty close with doubles (100 min@50fsw NOAA Air table) not to mention you will surely be bored and ready for a tri tip sammich at the deli anyhow.
Within those parameters O2 exposure on is a non-issue, AIR NDL's are mostly a non-issue, nitrogen is still an issue. Why not spend an extra few bucks and make the only real issue, even less of an "issue?"
And you get a shorter SI, and less residual nitrogen for your series. 4-5 bucks more for all that in my book; DONE!
Glad it works out fror you, but $4-$5 is the price of another dive for me, and I'd rather do the dive. And for the difference in price for two Nitrox fills, I can pay for all-day parking at BW.
I use Nitrox to extend the length of my dives, not to lower the already neglible risk using air NDLs. And the downside of always having 32% or more in all my tanks is that I'm depth limited by OxTox to 111' or less at 1.4 PO2, which is a pain at the deeper sites I like to shore dive, so I've got to pre-plan my tank usage a lot more. Personally, I'm far more worried by the extra risk of OxTox at elevated PO2 levels than I am by the bends; I can probably recover from the latter, but won't survive drowning due to convulsions.
As to shorter SIs, I find that a non-issue around here. By the time I've warmed up a bit, hit the john, swapped tanks, transferred the data on my slate to my log and maybe shot the breeze a bit, at least an hour has passed, usually somewhat more.