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Hello BeachMan. Just a note about Nitrox. Since most of my dives are in the 60-100 foot range I primarily use enriched air. Now when diving at depths less than 60 feet I use compressd air. Like you I notice no difference between EANx and air at depths less than 60. Over 60 feet is where I start getting that hung over feeling. The extended BT that Nitrox affords me is nice, but I like feeeling better most of all! Bob
Hey Deep Sea!

EANx has beaucoup benefits. I feel less fatigued when diving EANx. YES I'am 40 AND I'AM CANADIAN!!! Sorry lost it for a moment...flashbacks to a beer commercial. Other benefits include accelerated deco stops, more bottom time...but your question; I believe is related to effect rather than on benefits... I hope, cause if you are diving a rebreather and don't understand what it is doing for you, you better get some training quick. One only has to look at the Buddy Inspiration fatalities to know that in 99% of these accidents the diver did not understand the equipment.
Safe Diving!
Is it my imagination or do some people kind of look pink in the face after using enriched air?
The complaint of headaches after dives, either on air or Nitrox, I think has to do more with over-exertion, which is very easy to do when your playing in the water. Also it may have to do with the the dive shops compressor. My experience was I got headaches with air from a shop that did not use an oil-free compressor. The air was good, but had hydro-carbons from the oil. Air from a shop the used an oil-free compressor did not have the same effect on me. I still got headaches at times, but they were much less sever and had to do more with the fact that I have a sedentary job, was over-exerting myself, and am a little older (late 40s). I feel much less tired using Nitrox. I still use air when planning a deeper dive, but I always buy it from a shop with an oil-free compressor.

Originally posted by scubabunny
I've only used Nitrox on my dives for Nitrox certification...and I ended up having a one hell of a headache! Wasn't near as thirsty as I usually am after a dive though..don't know if that was from the extra oxygen or not. But, I haven't used a Nitrox mix since. Has anyone else ever had problems with headaches, or do you think it was just a bad batch of air? At that time, the shop was using the membrane system to get Nitrox mixes. They have since switched to partial pressure.

Maybe my brain is just not use to that much oxygen! Sent it into shock! :)
Hello All,

I do agree with many in this forum in that I have been diving Nitrox since the early 90's although I do not feel any different after the dive. (Just me) I know that N2 is not hammering my body. I think most feel the facts are in that Nitrox is, when properly trained in it's use, a far better way to dive. Long-term exposure to shallow repetitive diving on air has been proven to have some serious side effects (Ask any long term fish collector) I know a personal friend who has suffered from the effects of it. I have dove Nitrox for quite some time and have had no ill effects. And you can dive Nitrox deep just not the std 34 or 36 mix which has its limits, but for the most part many diver do not exceed the 130 FSW mark any way. Give it a try "You'll Like it" I do recommend the NAUI course and book. It is very well written and easy to understand. (I am a book worm)
Headache, excessive skip breathing can cause headaches as well.
Improper breathing techniques usually lead to headaches due to excessive carbon dioxide build up in the dead air spaces.
I for one feel better using Nitrox. I mix the best mix for each dive that I do. I realize that most of the discussion is on how everybody feels after using Nitrox but is the real benifit of Nitrox not understood? Longer bottom times and shorter surface intervals. Isn't this the true benifit of Nitrox.

With out question they are huge benifits to using Nitrox.

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