Nitrox Class Without Tables or Math...OK?

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As for the comment about mix... again not pertinent to this discussion on NitrOx, but boy I guess we should worship the ground he walks on for diving it. Why else was it brought up but as a fallacious appeal to his authority.

Yes, worship me because I dive mix.

I'm out....

Are you for real, Pete?
maybe I'll market a mail order card
From post ten. Now, you were talking about ME being overly sarcastic? You don't call this an attack? You made this personal from the get-go and saying you didn't doesn't change the facts.

It's a well known fact that almost all injuries from aquatic animals are defensive in nature.

You have brought no FACTS to this table: only innuendo about what you think I teach. And no, the facts don't seem to sway you at all.

Hey, I'm done with the thread. You kiddies carry on without me.
The reason you need to learn the basics BEFORE lealrning to use the computer is so you can know if the computer is feeding you some BS numbers. I've seen a computer fail underwater. Not just blink out but give bad numbers. How to know this without a feel for the tables. In this one case the computer was giving unwarented and weird deco obligations

Also it is so easy to punch in the wrong data. What haapens to the poor smuck who has 38% o2 mix in his tank and he punches "28% into his computer and then simply trusts the results and says "cool I can dive past 100 feet". You should always estimate in yur head as a check on the computer even for NDL dives on air

No, you need the abilty to calculate MOD in your head. Only 5th grade math is needed
The reason you need to learn the basics BEFORE lealrning to use the computer is so you can know if the computer is feeding you some BS numbers. I've seen a computer fail underwater. Not just blink out but give bad numbers. How to know this without a feel for the tables. In this one case the computer was giving unwarented and weird deco obligations

Also it is so easy to punch in the wrong data. What haapens to the poor smuck who has 38% o2 mix in his tank and he punches "28% into his computer and then simply trusts the results and says "cool I can dive past 100 feet". You should always estimate in yur head as a check on the computer even for NDL dives on air

No, you need the abilty to calculate MOD in your head. Only 5th grade math is needed

read cool tech's post about the course, its covered.
My computer is pretty much permanently in gauge mode.

well, fair enough. but why use a computer then in the first place?
The reason you need to learn the basics BEFORE lealrning to use the computer is so you can know if the computer is feeding you some BS numbers. I've seen a computer fail underwater. Not just blink out but give bad numbers. How to know this without a feel for the tables.

How do you know the tables aren't feeding you BS numbers?
How do you know the tables aren't feeding you BS numbers?

good question remembering padi's table recall a while back :).
How do you know the tables aren't feeding you BS numbers?
Because I checked the calculations. :)

As you can see if you compare the attached spreadsheet with a PADI RDP, my calculated numbers are with in +/- 1 minute of the RDP. Ignoring a couple of auxillary equations to set up some constants, there is really just one equation needed to regenerate a dive table.

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