Nitrox Class Without Tables or Math...OK?

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Aside from the headache and taskloading required to program multiple gasses into a computer...that 1/2 second would have helped me how?

This is a discussion about REC NITROX. Hence, 1 gas. You can task load yourself all you want on the surface when programming your computer - you don't have limited gas and you don't have to concentrate on depth, time, entanglements, buddy, etc.

the 1/2 second may not help you, but next time when it is 5 minutes, or 5 feet, it might.

EDIT: and yes, you can say it will never happen, you are too attentive and a better diver than that. That's fine. I realize that I am not perfect.
That's fine. I realize that I am not perfect.
DANG! I am NOT the only imperfect diver on here? I don't feel so bad anymore! :D
wish i could help, Doc, but ... my last mistake was in 1989

i think that makes me quasi-perfect
However, I, being smarter than my computer,
So it IS an ego thing. You need to sit in on my lecture on narcosis! Then you can tell us how "smart" you really are. :D
wish i could help, Doc, but ... my last mistake was in 1989

i think that makes me quasi-perfect
You can't even get your picture right! :D
tough crowd tonight

i'll go back to Manta Rey beating me up now, thanks
So it IS an ego thing. You need to sit in on my lecture on narcosis! Then you can tell us how "smart" you really are. :D

I'm not sure if you are just writing in jest or if you are serious. If it is in jest, ignore the following...

I write software for a living. I most certainly am smarter than my computer. That isn't ego, that's fact. My computer cannot think. It just reports data according to an algorithm.

As far as narcosis goes, I dive mix when it is an issue (i.e. deep or high task loading).
:lurk: :lurk:

Double popcorn alert! And not your usual players either.
Both you and Mike are far better divers than I am. Your humility is an example to all.
Now that we got that settled. Whats next?

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