I didn't get a chance to take pictures, but I did do a battery test since burn time seems to be what people cared about most.
Total time was right at 2.5 hours.
It's a little hard to know what the usable time was. The discharge curve for a AAA is very different than the CR123. With the Nova Wide, you get fairly constant output until it falls off a cliff at the end.
With the AAA the output was very good through about 1 1/2 hours. Between 1 1/2 and 2 hours I started to see a noticeable decrease in the output, but I would still consider it usable.
At 2 hours, I would say the hot spot was about the same as the brightness of the Nova Wide. Because of the smaller beam, the total light was less.
Between 2 and 2 1/2 hours the output dropped more much more quickly. I would not have wanted to use the light much past the 2 hour point.
For me, this is all the performance I need for a pocket light. This is a replacement for 4AA and 6AA halogen lights, and that was all the time I was getting from them.
I'll get pictures of the beam compared to the Nova Wide when I get back next weeks trip.